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D-Lib Magazine
In Print
Who Goes There?: Authentication Through the Lens of Privacy, Committee on Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications, National Research Council, The National Academies Press (Prepublication version available for online reading).
"The development, implementation, and broad deployment of authentication systems require that issues surrounding identity and privacy be thought through carefully. This report explores the interplay between authentication and privacy. It provides a framework for thinking through policy choices and decisions related to authentication systems."
For further information, please see <http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10656.html>.
NewModel Scholarship: How Will It Survive?, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), March 2003.
The following is from the abstract to the report:
"In 2002, with support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, CLIR hosted a meeting of scholars, librarians, archivists, technologists, publishers, and funders to discuss the preservation of digital scholarly resources. The goal of the workshop was to identify the needs of various stakeholdersWeb site creators; distributors and publishers of digital materials; representatives of archives, libraries, and repositories that want to collect these sites and make them available; end users; and anyone in the chain of scholarly communication who might want to discover and use these works for their own purposesand to agree on common approaches to meeting those needs."
"This report is informed by the lively discussions that took place at that conference, and by two papers that were circulated in advance and which are included as Appendixes. The author describes the scope of problems posed by preserving Webbased scholarly resources. It focuses on 'newmodel scholarship'scholarship that is born digital and constitutes an important source for present and future research and teaching. The newmodel scholarship is, specifically, the variety of Web sites and other desktop digital objects that faculty and graduate students are creating that fall somewhere short of 'published' but are worthy of access into the future."
Links to the report in both HTML and PDF formats are available at <http://www.clir.org/pubs/abstract/pub114abst.html>. Print copies will be available for purchase in the near future.
Web-archiving: a feasibility study for JISC and the Wellcome Trust, JISC
"In March 2002, the Wellcome Trust and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) awarded a contract to UKOLN to undertake a feasibility study into web archiving. The aims of this study were to provide the Wellcome Trust and the JISC with:
"Recognizing that the legal implications of web archiving copyright, data protection, defamation, etc. are a key concern of any wouldbe web archivist, UKOLN contracted the Centre of IT and Law at the University of Bristol to undertake a separate study into the legal issues of web archiving."
The findings and recommendations of the studies as indicated below were fully endorsed by an international advisory board.
Collecting and preserving the World Wide Web [PDF]
"This study will first outline the urgent need for Web archiving initiatives and indicate the benefits these would have for the user communities of the JISC and Wellcome Trust. This will be followed by an attempt to define the nature of the World Wide Web (and the UK part of it) and an introduction and evaluation of existing Web archiving initiatives. There will follow a short section on implementation."
Legal issues relating to the archiving of Internet resources in the UK, EU, USA and Australia [PDF]
"This document is aimed primarily at archivists working in research institutions within the U.K. However many of the issues covered are of much broader scope than this and will be of relevance to archivists and web publishers both within and outside the U.K as well as archivists in other organisational settings. The purpose is to provide guidance on how to address the legal issues that will arise when creating a web archive from non-proprietary sources. This document explains:
For further information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=project_webarchiving>.
Digital Data Curation Task Force: Report of the Task Force Strategy Discussion Day (November 2002) [PDF], JISC, January 2003.
"This report summarizes the discussion at a meeting of the Task Force which took place on 26 November 2002. It is a factual report of the day's proceedings, which over its course touched upon many aspects and issues relating to the reuse of research data. The report seeks to set a firm structure to serve as a basis for comment from task force members, towards developing an approach towards a curation strategy for this area, and the identification of issues requiring deeper consideration and areas not covered. The taskforce meeting has been used to inform the work of the e-science curation audit consultancy (see Data Curation for e-science in the UK at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=project_escience>)."
For further information, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/uploaded_documents/CurationTaskForceFinal1.pdf>.
Framework for the Future: Libraries, Learning and Information in the Next Decade, Heritage Libraries & Museums.
"The DCMS has published a new strategic framework for the public library service: Framework for the Future. The policy document outlines the Government's longterm strategic vision for the role of public libraries. Its purpose is to help local and library authorities agree on the key objectives for the public library service with central government and local communities. The policy document outlines the Government's longterm strategic vision for the role of public libraries. Its purpose is to help local and library authorities agree on the key objectives for the public library service with central government and local communities."
"The new strategy will enable libraries build on existing strengths and ensure they position themselves at the heart of the communities they serve. Public libraries are a valuable infrastructure, which have the potential to help local councils deliver their corporate agenda. The best libraries are doing so already through a range of innovative programmes. By clarifying key priorities Framework for Future provides a focus for future work across the sector. It provides a basis for authorities to prioritise and plan services to meet the needs of citizens, adapted to best suit local circumstance."
For links to Framework for the Future [PDF] and further information, please see <>.
RLG Guidelines for Microfilming to Support Digitization, 2003, Research Libraries Group, January 2003.
"Now, lessons learned from a decade's work in preservation reformatting have yielded a new supplement to [two existing RLG publications on preservation and archive microfilming]...This web-based publication advises how to create preservation microfilm that is most amendable to effective and efficient scanning to produce high-quality digital images."
This new RLG guide can be found in PDF format at <http://www.rlg.org/preserv/microsuppl.pdf>
For further information, please see <http://www.rlg.org/preserv/>.
Final Report for The Pilot Project "netarkivet.dk" (February 2003).
"The present report by the group behind the netarkivet.dk project describes the experience gained from a pilot study, in which existing software was used to harvest and subsequently test out materials relating to the County and District elections of 2001. The pilot study showed that a great deal of material could be harvested in this way, but also that much of the interactive use of the net cannot be caught by ordinary methods."
"The pilot project also offers an indication of the financing needed if Denmark is to safeguard an important part of its cultural heritage. Estimates are given both for the archiving of this heritage under present conditions, where the work is carried out on the basis of voluntary agreements, and on the assumption that the law on legal deposit of material may be changed, making it legal for institutions receiving statutory deliveries to acquire online materials."
This netarkivet.dk project Final Report can be found in PDF format at <http://www.netarkivet.dk/rap/webark-final-rapport-2003.pdf>
For further information, please see <http://www.netarkivet.dk/rap/index-en.htm>.
Journal of Digital Information, Special Issue on E-education: Design and Evaluation for Teaching and Learning (Vol. 3, Issue 4, March 2003).
"A number of products and prototypes to assist teaching and learning have been produced and educational materials have been extensively published electronically, but it is still unclear to what extent all of this is of use to students and lecturers/tutors when it comes to real teaching and learning...there is still lot of confusion about what electronic learning objects are, standards are yet to be found and adopted successfully, and usability issues have been almost completely neglected. For this reason we hope that the papers presented in this special issue of Journal of Digital Information will be of great interest and utility to people in education involved in the design, production, delivery and use of electronic materials and tools."
For further information, please see <http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/>.
The Incentives to Preserve Digital Materials: Roles, Scenarios, and Economic Decision-Making, a white paper by Brian Lavoie, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, April 2003.
Economic issues are a principal component of the research agenda for digital preservation. Economics is, fundamentally, about incentives, so a study of the economics of digital preservation should begin with an examination of the incentives to preserve. Appropriate incentives are fundamental to the development of economically sustainable digital preservation activities. This white paper identifies the key decision-making roles in the digital preservation process, characterizes a core set of organizational models under which decision-makers might undertake digital preservation, and examines the implications of these models for the incentives to preserve digital materials. Securing the long-term retention of digital materials requires an alignment of preservation objectives with preservation incentives, but the circumstances under which digital preservation takes place often lead to a misalignment of objectives and incentives. The paper considers the nature and magnitude of the incentives to preserve in context of the organizational models for digital preservation activity, identifies circumstances where insufficient incentives to preserve are likely to prevail, and suggests possibilities for corrective measures where appropriate.
Brian Lavoie's white paper on the economics of digital preservation may be found at <http://www.oclc.org/research/projects/digipres/incentives-dp.pdf>.
Digital race to save languages, by Andy Webster, BBC News, 20, March 2003.
(This pointer came from Norman Paskin, DOI Foundation):
"Digital preservation issues - the BBC reports that researchers are fearing most computer files, documents and original digital recordings created over 10 years ago are virtually irretrievable, as they have been stored on formats that are now obsolete, which could lead to the loss of data on some of the world's endangered languages. The article also reports on an initiative, the Open Language Archive Community (OLAC), which aims to create an international network of internet-based digital archives using Extensible Markup Language (XML) in an effort to preserve linguistic data. Source: BBC News Title: Digital race to save languages 20 Mar 2003."
The article is at <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2857041.stm>. The OLAC web site is at <http://www.language-archives.org/>.
"The DigiCULT project is a support measure within the Information Society Technologies Programme, which provides a technology watch mechanism for the cultural and scientific sector. In order to encourage early take up of new technological developments, DigiCULT will produce and disseminate seven newsletters, seven thematic issues and three Technology Watch reports." Two of the Thematic Issues are now available in pdf format as follows:
Thematic Issue #2: Digital Asset Management Systems for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector, December 2002
"This Issue highlights the fact that a cultural heritage organisation's ability to harvest, reuse and realise the value of its assets, will only ever be as good as the mechanisms that it can put in place for storing and retrieving assets from the media vault."
Thematic Issue #1: Integrity and Authenticity of Digital Objects, August 2002
This first Thematic Issue emphasizes and discusses the very strategic role e-archivist must play in managing the life cycle of digital objects, as well as in implementing appropriate policies and working procedures and establishing control systems for the preservation and re-use of digital assets over time.
For further information, please see <http://www.digicult.info/pages/publications.php>.
MW2003 Conference Papers Are Available Online, Museum and the Web 2003 International Conference.
"Since the appearance of the first museum Web sites, hundreds of museums have established a presence on the World Wide Web. Museums have much to learn from each other, and from developers using the Web for other applications. To facilitate this exchange of information, Archives & Museum Informatics organises an international conference devoted exclusively to Museums and the Web."
MW2003 was an "international venue to review the state of the Web in arts, culture, and heritage. The MW2003 program [addressed] Webrelated issues for museums, archives, libraries and other cultural institutions."
For further information, please see <http://www.archimuse.com/mw2003/speakers/index.html>.
First Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication Conference Presentations,
"Throughout the world many initiatives and developments that fundamentally affect the conditions for scholarly publication and communication are underway. The Public Library of Science petition has been signed by a large number of researchers and there is a rapid increase in the number of self-archiving initiatives initiated by researchers. The academic library has a key role to play in relation to these new developments. This means however that we must adapt our services and, in many cases, take up the additional roles of publishers and providers of infra-structural and technical solutions for the presentation and preservation of academic content. Publishers are both threatened and thrilled by recent developments and a myriad of new forms of cooperation and collaboration between scholars, libraries, publishers and vendors are emerging."
"In order to discuss, present and analyze the problems and challenges that are arising within scholarly communication Lund University Libraries, Denmark's Electronic Research Library, Danish Research Library Association and Novo Nordisk Library and Information Centre invited scholars, publishers, vendors, editors, librarians and other interested to the First Nordic Conference on Scholarly Communication 22 24 October 2002. The conference will take place every second year and intends to be an important contribution to the discussions and to the developments within the Nordic countries."
To access the papers, many of which are available in full text, please see <http://www.lub.lu.se/ncsc2002/>.
Point to Point
LIBRARYEVENTS.COM, Library Events for Library and Information Professionals, Stuart Urwin.
"This website:
"If you are a library or information professional, the Library Events website will keep you up to date with all the important events you need to know about to enhance your professional career and to build up your professional skills and contacts...Here you will find details of:
For further information, please see <http://www.libraryevents.com/>.
ISMIR.NET, a New Domain for recent ISMIR International Conferences, The International Conferences on Music Information Retrieval.
Future and recent past ISMIR Conference information is now grouped together at one convenient location. This new site not only includes links to specific conferences, it also offers general information and related activities.
"The annual ISMIR Conference is [an] established international forum for those involved in work on accessing digital musical materials. It reflects the tremendous growth of musicrelated data available either locally or remotely through networks and the consequent need to search this content and retrieve music and musical information efficiently and effectively."
For further information, please see <http://www.ismir.net/>.
Whitepapers for 3-Day Course in Document Imaging and Document Management: Spring/Summer 2003, by Steve Gilheany, Archive Builders.
Archive Builders assists organizations with their plans for document management, document imaging systems and digital libraries. One of the most valuable services provided is advice and discussion of document management plans drawn up by organizations considering a system installation. Archive Builders also offers onsite systems analysis, requirements planning and assistance in writing system specifications. Archive Builders' materials are used in the UCLA Extension and other classes. Courtesy of Archive Builders, white papers are available free for download.
For those who are able to attend in person, the next courses are:
For further information, please see <http://www.archivebuilders.com/whitepapers/index.html>.
Calls for Participation
History of Computer Graphics and Art Data Bank, ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee. Call for Data Bank contributions.
"The aim that guides this call is an intention to assemble a data bank of computer graphics and art. The goal is to document the evolvement of computer graphics, art, and the thought about art in relation to the progress of technology, thus creating a collection of images and essays created by artists, scientists, and people who influenced these disciplines, which reflects the unfolding of computer art due to technical achievements (hardware, software, languages, etc). With this approach, computer art and graphics are related to the history of inventions in concurrent periods of time. This treasury will be augmented by the artists' web sites along with the existing materials cumulated in various collections and will become a part of the ACM/ SIGGRAPH resources. There is no sole comprehensive resource describing the influences and inventions in computer graphics and computer art from a historical perspective. The "Birds of a Feather" gathering at the ACM/ SIGGRAPH 2002, San Antonio, Texas (organized by Anna Ursyn and Anne Morgan Spalter) generated helpful feedback to this project."
"Those who feel their work [has] contributed to the field of computer graphics, art, and thought about art are requested to describe their areas of action and accomplishments. Since this approach calls for interaction between people representing various fields in the history of inventions, we [are asking for the participation of anyone involved] in the progress of these fields, from software/hardware programmers to scientists and artists. Being a part of this project may be interesting both on a personal level and because it involves a great potential for new approaches in teaching and provides materials for visual learning. It would be greatly appreciated if you could forward this URL to anyone you feel could contribute to this project."
For further information, please see <http://www.siggraph.org/education/cgHistory/history.html>.
RCDL 2003 - 5th National Russian Research Conference: Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections, 29 - 31 October 2003, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions of extended abstracts is 10 May 2003.
"Digital libraries (DL) that one day will evolve to full fledged knowledge repositories can be seen as complex information systems with many technical, practical and social issues. Building and deployment of such systems require contribution from numerous scientific disciplines."
"The purpose of this conference series is to stimulate involvement of the Russian digital libraries community and encourage research in this field. RCDL brings Russian scientific and application communities contributing to DL field together and provides an open forum for exchange of experience, ideas and results as well as stimulates communication and co-operation between experts in the field."
"We welcome contributions and participation from all interested in relevant aspects of digital libraries including researchers, developers, practitioners, students, postgraduates, policy makers and users."
"Participation is sought from all parts of the world stimulating international collaboration in the digital library field. Attention will be paid to progress of digital libraries research and application projects funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and other programs. Several collocated pre- and post-conference workshops are expected."
"Being the major Russian event in the digital libraries field, RCDL attracts increasing attention from foreign participants and helps to improve international collaboration."
For further information, please see <http://www.rcdl2003.spbu.ru/en/news.html>.
First International Workshop on Web-based Collaboratories (Wbc-2003), 8 November 2003, Algarve, Portugal. In connection with IADIS 2003. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 10 May 2003.
"The objective of this workshop is to direct cross-disciplinary attention to research and development on web-based collaboratories, that is, to collect and examine empirical evidence of existing research collaboratories on the web, to share design methods and technological developments for collaboratories, as well as to address fundamental research issues. The aim is build up a cross-disciplinary network of professionals working with research, design and evaluation of web-based collaboratories."
Full papers, short papers and posters/demonstrations from academics, practitioners and researchers, addressing web-based collaboratories from any of the following interrelated perspectives are invited. Proposals should reflect the theme of the workshop and each should indicate into which of the categories bwlow it falls.
For further information, please
Innovative Approaches to the Use of Broadband Technologies for Learning, Institute of Museum and Library Services. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2003.
"The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) invites proposals for projects to develop innovative approaches to the use of broadband technologies for learning. Successful proposals will demonstrate the ability to develop innovative educational programming drawing on content from libraries and museums and using high-bandwidth capacity for delivery."
"Technical Specifications - Broadband technologies are defined as applications that deliver to users, over networks and in real-time, multiple concurrent instances of broadband-quality content including uncompressed music CDs, broadcast-quality television and video, full resolution DVD, and high definition television."
"Research Objectives - Applicants should describe technical or other research objectives the project will address."
"Learning Objectives - Applicants should describe the specific learning objectives that grant product(s) are designed to meet and should describe plans for testing and evaluation."
For detailed information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/whatsnew/current/030703.htm>.
Brick and Click Libraries: The Shape of Tomorrow, 10 October 2003, Maryville, Missouri, USA. Call for Proposals. The deadline for Presenter Application is 20 June 2003.
"What will your library look like "tomorrow"?
"Please join other state and regional colleagues in considering these important questions at the 3rd Annual "Brick and Click Libraries" symposium."
For further information, please see <http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/pr/symposium/>.
ICADL 2003, 6th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries, 8 - 11 December 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Call for Papers. The deadline for submissions is 21 June 2003.
"Digital libraries are a critical component of the emerging distributed knowledge environments that will provide people with global access to virtually all areas of knowledge. ICADL 2003 is the sixth in a series of annual Asian Digital Libraries conferences."
"Submissions are now being invited from prospective authors with interests on the indicated conference topics and related areas of application. All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Research and conceptual based papers, case studies, realistic implementations and critical reviews can be considered for the conference based on the above topics. The Conference language is English.
For further information, including a detailed list of suggested topics for papers, please see <http://www.ftsm.ukm.my/icadl2003/>.
ECEL 2003, 2nd European Conference on eLearning, Management Centre International Limited (MCIL), 6 - 7 November 2003, Glasgow, United Kingdom. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 11 July 2003.
"The 2nd European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL) is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants from Europe and elsewhere who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of web enabled and ICT initiatives in the learning and teaching sectors as well as the professions to come together and exchange ideas and examples of best practice."
"The advisory group for the conference invites submissions of papers on both the theory and practice of all aspects of web-enabled technology in learning and teaching. The conference in November 2003 is seeking qualitative, experience-based and quantitative papers as well as case studies and reports of work in progress from academics, teachers, practitioners, vendors and government departments.
"In addition to multiple streams of papers, the conference committee [is] inviting proposals for workshops and tutorials on topics related to e-Learning and research methods applicable to this field."
For further information, including a list of suggested topics for papers, please see <http://www.mcil.co.uk/2p-ecel2003-call-papers.htm>.
Goings On
IATUL 24th Annual Conference, Libraries and Education in the Networked Information Environment, 2 - 5 June 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
"The 21st century ushers in a level of cooperation and outreach that is unparalleled in its energy, enthusiasm, and urgency. The information world continues its rapid evolution with an emphasis on strategic alliances. These alliances in the changing worlds of higher education and related institutions take the form of organizational partnerships, influential consortia, and other affiliations designed to provide creative and flexible service to user groups."
"The conference themes have been subdivided in five topics:
"The IATUL Board and the Middle East Technical University Library are delighted to welcome colleagues to Ankara and to offer delegates at the 2003 Annual Conference the opportunity to explore library initiatives, information service models, and responses to cooperative activities in this expanding information world."
For additional information, please see <http://www.lib.metu.edu.tr/iatul03/index.htm>.
e-Society 2003, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), 3 - 6 June 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.
"The IADIS e-Society 2003 conference aims to address the main issues of concern within the Information Society. This conference covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society. Broad areas of interest are E-Commerce, E-Learning and E-Government. These broad areas are divided into more detailed areas (see below)." Innovative contributes that didn't fit into these areas were also considered.
Topics areas include:
Collaborative Learning; Computer-Mediated Communication; Cyber Law; Data Mining; Digital Regions; E-Business Models; E-Commerce Economics; E-Economy; E-Government; E-Healthcare; E-Learning; E-Marketing; E-Publishing and Digital Libraries; Electronic Data Interchange (EDI); Evaluation and Assessment; Extensible Languages; Global Tendencies; Human Computer Interaction; Information Retrieval; Information Society Case studies; Intelligent Agents; Intelligent Systems; Knowledge Management; Learning Communities; Multimedia; Payment Systems; Privacy Issues; Protocols and Standards; Security Issues; Storage Issues; Tele-work; Ubiquitous Computing; Virtual Communities; Virtual Organisations; Virtual Reality; Wireless Communications
The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions, including: Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters / Demonstrations, Tutorials, Panels, Invited Talks, Doctoral Consortium, and Corporate Showcases and Exhibitions.
For additional information, please see <http://www.iadis.org/es2003/>.
EBL 2003 (Evidence Based Librarianship), Improving Practice Through Research: Current Perspectives, Future Prospects, 4 - 6 June 2003, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Papers and poster sessions have been selected to "describe practitioner-based research, the implementation of research in practice, evaluation as a way of informing future activities or programmes or the application of evidence based practice models and tools to librarianship and should relate to the overall theme of the conference...Suggested topics included, but were not limited to:
For more information, please see <http://www.ualberta.ca/~pryan/EBL2003.html>.
Connections 8: Quest for Knowledge, 6 - 8 June 2003, Long Island, New York, USA.
"For the past seven years, the annual Connections Conference has provided Library and Information Science doctoral students a venue for the presentation of their research to fellow student colleagues from the U.S. and Canada."
Connections 8 solicited papers "that reflect the diverse interests of students of LIS and related fields. The primary purpose of the conference is to provide an atmosphere that is friendly and non-threatening for the dissemination of current doctoral research."
For further information, please see <http://connections2003.liu.edu/>.
SLA 2003, Putting Knowledge to Work®, Special Libraries Association (SLA), 7 - 12 June 2003, New York, New York, USA.
"The Conference will create an environment for networking, communication, learning and other developmental opportunities for information professionals. Available sessions will highlight strategies used in organizations that reflect the Association's strategic plan - Professionals Putting Knowledge to Work in the 21st Century. We will learn how our colleagues actually put knowledge to work in their organizations."
"SLA is also pleased to bring you three dynamic keynote speakers for New York.
"If you are currently an SLA member, you understand the importance and value found by attending your conference. If you are new to SLA or the information profession, the New York conference will be one of the best venues for highly concentrated formal and informal learning."
For more information, please see <http://www.sla.org/content/Events/conference/2003annual/index.cfm>.
Crimea 2003, 10th International Conference, "Libraries and Associations in the Transient World: New Technologies and New Forms of Cooperation", 7 - 15 June 2003, Sukak, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine.
"The year 2003 Topic: Library and Information Availability in the Modern World: Digital Resources of Science, Culture and Education."
For further information, please see <http://www.gpntb.ru/win/inter-events/crimea2003/eng/data.htm>.
eLit 2003, 2nd International Conference on Information and IT Literacy, 11 - 13 June 2003, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
"In the age of print, the ability to read was the key to knowledge. But in a world where IT enables access to vast quantities of information, and interaction with the learning environment, and where eLearning is a growing part of the educational landscape, we require an expanded range of literacies. These are the electronic literacies, or eLiteracies, skills, competencies and awarenesses that previously did not exist or which seemed unrelated before now. As a result, eLiteracy is now a core educational imperative for all who would fulfill their potential as students, employees or citizens. This presents challenges for teachers in implementing learning opportunities enhanced by eLiteracies; for learning and infrastructure support staff in delivering information and IT literacy; for educational researchers in charting the reality of change; and for all thinking educators in reflecting upon the significance of eLiteracies for education."
"In addressing these challenges eLit2003 will focus and reflect on the nature and meaning of these converging strands, seek good experience and fresh perspectives, and enable those involved in education to develop an informed and thoughtful response to the needs of the future."
For further information, please see <http://elit2003.com/>.
Institutional Web Management Workshop 2003: Supporting Our Users, UKOLN, 11 - 13 June 2003, Canterbury, United Kingdom.
"The Institutional Web Management Workshop series are organised by UK Web Focus and UKOLN in order to support members of institutional Web management teams within the UK Higher and Further Educational communities."
"The theme of this year's workshop, the seventh in the series, is Supporting Our Users."
For further information, please see <http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/web-focus/events/workshops/webmaster-2003/>.
WebDB 2003, 6th International Workshop on the Web and Databases, 12 - 13 June 2003, San Diego, California, USA.
"The Web is rapidly evolving into a ubiquitous computing platform for a new generation of information systems. Increasingly, Web applications strive to manage data, documents or application services, spread worldwide and accessed through diverse devices from heterogeneous environments. The requirements of these applications as well as emerging technologies, such as the Semantic Web and Web services, have created new challenges and opportunities for database technology. This new landscape has compelled the database community to revisit its approach to data models, query languages, storage support, query optimization, as well as, data and application services integration. It also demands that database research further interact with information retrieval, programming languages, artificial intelligence, distributed computing, workflows, and other areas of Computer Science."
"The WebDB workshop focuses on promoting novel research directions and providing a forum where researchers, theoreticians, and practitioners can share their knowledge and opinions about problems and solutions at the intersection of data management and the Web."
For further information, please see <http://www.cse.ogi.edu/webdb03/>.
Opening Doors: web-portals and the historic environment, Historic Environment Information Resources Network (HEIRNET), 17 June 2003, London, United Kingdom.
"Opening Doors will bring together senior managers and policy makers who are using the World Wide Web to provide access to information about the historic environment. Everyone is talking about portals and this conference will explore initiatives by heritage agencies, museums, universities and professional bodies to provide integrated access to their own and related content to serve the needs of their users. Portals promise the capability to allow links to be created between institutions and to build customised web spaces, reflecting the interests and preferences of users. They can present a seamless interface to resources held by institutions operating across the cultural heritage sector, allowing for diversity in the underlying systems and services. They aspire to add value to information for users by giving it context and bringing together diverse media from disparate sources."
"This conference presents an opportunity for institutions to share their experiences in developing portals. Portals promise much but how can the sector make the most of their deployment? The emphasis of the day will be on developing an overview and considering ways of serving user communities now and in the future. Technology will be kept to a minimum, as no two institutions have the same configuration of information systems, but all institutions will have a common interest in standards for inter-operability. This conference will be a good opportunity to explore solutions, to share experiences and create a basis for future partnerships."
"The conference will be a forum for lively debate between senior managers and policy makers from across the breadth of the cultural heritage sector."
For further information, please see <http://www.britarch.ac.uk/heirnet/conference.html>.
LIBER 32nd Annual General Conference 2003, 17 - 21 June 2003, Rome, Italy.
For further information, please see <http://www.bncrm.librari.beniculturali.it/ita/webliber.htm>.
Educause Southeast Regional Conference 2003, IT in the Academy: Collaboration & Leadership, 18 20 June 2003, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
"The 2003 theme is "IT in the Academy: Collaboration & Leadership." Whether your focus is administrative services, information resources, teaching and learning, technology infrastructure, or management within higher education, you will find opportunities to learn, share, and connect with others in your field and from your part of the country."
"At the center of the conference are practical 'how-to' sessions that offer valuable, region-specific information and ideas to help you manage and lead IT at your institution. Join us for preconference seminars on June 18 and the full conference program June 1920. The sessions follow four key tracks:
For further information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/serc/2003/>.
Knowledge without Boundaries: Libraries in Collaboration, ALCTS Preconference to ALA 2003, 19 - 20 June 2003, Toronto, Canada.
"Libraries have expanded their role as knowledge managers beyond the boundaries of the library. They have entered into collaborative projects with other information-bearing institutions to create new forms of access to a variety of materials. Librarians need to be aware of metadata standards that are being integrated into library portals, which will precipitate cataloging rule revisions. This program will present current projects that impact library methods of providing access to information and will present changes and trends in cataloging."
For further information, please see <http://www.ala.org/alcts/education/preconference.htm>.
ALA 2003 Annual Conference, 19 - 25 June 2003, Toronto, Canada.
"The American Library Association Annual Conference is [a large] and comprehensive library conference and exhibition. Drawing over 26,000 librarians, educators, writers, publishers and special guests, the conference includes more than 2,000 meetings, discussion groups and programs on topics affecting libraries. For the 2003 Annual Conference, the ALA will be holding a joint conference with the Canadian Library Association."
For more information, please see <http://www.ala.org/events/annual2003>.
ABAS 8th and 9th International Conferences, Academy of Business & Adminisitrative Sciences
"The present world order is characterized by an on-going search for the proper balance between nationalism and globalism. This dynamic has found expression in economic, organizational, social, political, and cultural upheavals at the micro and macro levels. Organizations and economies are finding it necessary to increase their base, not only in inputs and outputs, but in skills and systems as well. The present economic order is characterized by a borderless world and a complex and fast-paced business environment---full of opportunities, but also pitted with challenges, risks, and dilemmas. Much of this growth and potential lies in emerging economies that are outside of traditional powerhouses."
"The 2003 International Conferences of the Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences will bring together leaders from business, academia, and government from all over the world both the developed and developing economies to discuss and share ideas and to work together to meet the challenges of their respective disciplines and of the emerging world order."
For further information, please see <http://www.sba.muohio.edu/abas/>.
ELPUB 2003, 7th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 25 - 28 June 2003, Guimarães, Portugal.
"The 7th ELPUB attempts to keep the tradition of the six previous international (annual) conferences on electronic publishing, which is to bring together researchers, lecturers, developers, industrials, businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, users and all those interested on issues regarding electronic publishing in the most different contexts. These include human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and any other relevant aspect that such an exciting theme encompasses."
The conference has welcomed presentations on the following, but not exhaustive, list of topics.
General Track
Technical Track
For additional information, please see <http://piano.dsi.uminho.pt/elpub2003/>.
iGSS 2003, 30th International Graduate Summer School, Accessing the Virtual: How to offer electronic information resources to users, 25 June - 11 July 2003, Aberystwyth, Wales.
"iGSS provides an opportunity for information professionals from around the world to meet and discuss current issues at the same time that they take part in a programme of lectures and seminars which aid their continuing professional development."
"This year iGSS has been restructured into three separate courses, complemented by two study tours (for details see site menu: 'Programme'). The courses are:
For further information, please see <http://www.dil.aber.ac.uk/igss/>.
2003 NASIG Annual Conference, Serials in the Park: Blazing Diverse Trails in the Information Forest, North American Serials Interest Group 18th Annual Conference, 26 - 29 June 2003, Portland, Oregon, USA.
"In the past, librarians, vendors and publishers have played carefully defined roles in the delivery of serial-based information. These roles are rapidly changing as digital platforms become more and more accessible and accepted. Integration and shifting of roles and the effect of globalization are having a very real impact on the serials environment."
"The 2003 Program Planning Committee invites original proposals for pre-conference, plenary, concurrent and workshop sessions that support this year's conference theme- Serials in the Park: Blazing Diverse Trails in the Information Forest. This year's theme underscores the variety of formats, emerging technologies, and newly entering as well as continuing providers in the field who partner together to offer opportunities that we commonly know as serials and serials services...Today's colleagues are often those we do not recognize as the traditional serialist; therefore, we must form synergies as we explore these trails together."
"NASIG's annual conference provides participants with an open and collegial forum to discuss current and relevant issues and to meet colleagues who are involved in various aspects of the serials information chainfrom publication to presentation, from promotion to preservation. The conference is an opportunity for participants to exchange information about serial publications, trends, issues, innovations and other related topics. The conference proceedings are published in both electronic and print formats."
For more information, please see <http://nasig.org/public/NASIGCallforpapers2003.htm>.
ELSIN 2003 - Bridging Theory & Practice, European Learning Styles Information Network, Centre for Management and Organisational Learning (CMOL), 30 June - 2 July 2003, Hull, United Kingdom.
"Founded in 1995 at the University of Birmingham during a Learning Styles conference organised by the Assessment Research Unit in the School of Education, ELSIN is an association of researchers, educationalists and trainers interested in the theory and application of Learning Styles. ELSIN is an inter-disciplinary body attracting members from a wide range of disciplines and professional contexts."
"The existence of ELSIN is a response to growing interest in the area of individual differences within the field of human performance. The relevance of this aspect of psychology for a wide range of researchers and practitioners is reflected in the variety of the association's membership. It is hoped that this broad base will continue and contribute to a rich exchange of inter-disciplinary perspectives. It is also hoped that a similar exchange will occur between researchers and practitioners involved in any application of a knowledge of style differences in human performance."
"The stated aims of ELSIN are to:
For further information, please see <http://www.elsinnet.org.uk/>.
Deadline Reminders
Music Information Analysis, Indexing and Retrieval, an Invited Session at SCI 2003, the 7th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 27 - 30 July 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of extended abstracts and paper drafts is 20 April 2003. "Details can be found in the conference web page at <http://www.iiisci.org/sci2003/>."
Emerging Visions for Access in the 21st Century Library, DAI Institute, 21 - 22 April 2003, San Francisco, California, USA. Attendance is limited to the first 125 individuals who register. For additional information, please see <http://www.clir.org/registration/DAI_2003.html>.
NDDL-2003, 3rd International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries, 22 April 2003, Angers, France. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/workshops/nddl/nddl2003-cfp.html>.
Book Conference 2003, From Creator to Consumer in A Digital Age, 22 - 24 April 2003, Cairns, Australia. For additional information, please see <http://book-conference.com/>.
School for Scanning: Creating, Managing, and Preserving Digital Assets, presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center, 23 - 25 April 2003, Los Angeles, California, USA. For more information, please visit the NEDCC Website at <http://www.nedcc.org>. Questions specifically concerning registration procedures and information should be directed to Ginny Hughes at <ghughes@nedcc.org>.
ICEIS 2003 - 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 23 - 26 April 2003, Angers, France. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/>.
New Media, Technology and Everyday Life in Europe Conference, 5th RTD Framework Programme of the EU, 23 - 26 April 2003, London, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/EMTEL/Conference/Index.htm>.
Networked World: Information Technology and Globalization, 24 April 2003, Santa Clara, California, USA. For additional information, please see <http://sts.scu.edu/globalization/>.
Pan European Portal Conference 2003, 24 - 25 April 2003, Geneva, Switzerland. For further information, please see <http://www.codex-se.org/pepc2003/>.
ISMIR 2003, 4th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, 26 - 30 October 2003, Washington, D.C., USA. Call for Papers. The deadline for submission of full proposals is 25 April 2003. For additional information, please see <http://ismir2003.ismir.net/>.
Internet Librarian 2003, 3 - 5 November 2003, Monterey, California, USA. Call for Papers. The submission deadline is 25 April 2003. For a list of possible topics and additional information, please see <http://www.infotoday.com/il2003/>, and either fill out the online Submission Form or contact the Program Chair at <jane@dysartjones.com>.
Can there be a Social Movement Informatics?, 29 April 2003, Leeds, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://www.uib.no/mailman/private/newmedia-ann/2002-December/000778.html>.
DRH 2003 Conference, Digital Resources for the Humanities, 31 August - 3 September 2003, Cheltenham, United Kingdom. Call for Proposals. The deadline for submission has been extended to 30 April 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.glos.ac.uk/humanities/drh2003>.
VALA 2004 - Breaking Boundaries: Integration and Interoperability, 3 - 5 February 2004, Melbourne, Australia. Call for Proposals. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.vala.org.au/vala2004/call2004.htm>.
NET2003, Teaming Up to Make Effective IT Policy, 30 April - 1 May 2003, Washington, D.C., USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/networking/2003/>.
PAKDD 2003, Seventh Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 30 April - 2 May 2003, Seoul, Korea. For additional information, please see <http://aitrc.kaist.ac.kr/~pakdd03/>.
MLA '03: Catch the Wave, Medical Library Association, 2 - 7 May 2003, San Diego, California, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2003/index.html>.
DC-2003, 2003 Dublin Core Conference, Supporting Communities of Discourse and PracticeMetadata Research and Applications, 28 September - 2 October 2003, Seattle, Washington, USA. Call for Papers and Posters. The deadline for submission is 3 May 2003. For additional information, please see <http://dc2003.ischool.washington.edu/index.html>.
2003 International Conference on CYBERWORLDS, 3 - 5 December 2003, Singapore. Call for Submission. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 May 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sce/cw2003/cw2003.htm>.
Virtual Music Scores and their MIDI Analogs: Copyright and Licensing Issues, 5 May 2003, New York, New York, USA. For additional information, please see <http://library.law.columbia.edu/virtual_scores/conference.html>.
IVIRA, Information Visualization Interfaces for Retrieval and Analysis, at JCDL 2003, 27 - 31 May 2003, Houston, Texas, USA. Call for Papers. The deadline is 5 May 2003. For additional information, please see <http://vw.indiana.edu/ivira03/>.
4th International Colloquium on Library and Information Science and the 6th Conference of the ISKO Spanish Chapter, 5 - 7 May 2003, Salamanca, Spain. For additional information, please see <http://www.ugr.es/~isko/ficheros/ing.pdf>.
Digital Odyssey: Setting the Standards, Building the Tool Kit, OLA Education Institute, Ontario Library and Information Technology Association, 5 - 7 May 2003, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For additional information, please see <http://www.accessola.org/olita/digitalodyssey/>.
InfoToday 2003 - National Online 2003, KnowledgeNets 2003, E-Libraries 2003, Way Beyond Cool: Information for the Real World, 6 - 8 May 2003, New York, New York, USA.
For additional information, please see <http://www.infotoday.com/it2003/>.
Educause in AustralAsia 2003: Expanding the Learning Community Meeting the Challenges, 6 - 9 May 2003, Adelaide, Australia. For additional information, please see <http://www.adelaide.edu.au/educause2003/index.html>.
E-Book 2003: Print Collections, e-Books and Beyond, 8 - 9 May 2003, Dublin, Ohio, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/institute/events/ebc/>.
CUMREC 2003: Leveraging the Magic of Information and Technology, College and University Machine Records Conference, 11 - 14 May 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.cumrec.org/cumrec2003/>.
Digitization for Cultural Heritage Professionals: An Intensive Program, 11 - 16 May 2003, Durham, North Carolina, USA. For additional information, please see <http://ils.unc.edu/DCHP/>. Note: The course is full. Please email Ann Lambson at <lambson@email.unc.edu> for further information.
Service Quality Evaluation Academy, 12 - 16 May, San Antonio, Texas, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.arl.org/arl/workshops.html>.
AHDS Digitisation Workshop, 13 May 2003, London, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://ahds.ac.uk/workshops.htm>.
CLEF 2003, Cross Language Evaluation Forum, 19 - 20 September 2003, Rome, Italy. Call for Participation. The deadline for participant submissions is 15 May 2003. For full details on the CLEF Agenda and Task Description for 2003 and instructions on How to Participate, see <http://clef.iei.pi.cnr.it:2002/>. For further information, contact: Carol Peters - ISTI-CNR, Tel: +39 050 315 2987, Fax: +39 050 315 2810, E-mail: <carol@iei.pi.cnr.it>
ASLIB IT & Communications Group Annual Conference, ASLIB Special Interest Group Network, 15 - 17 May 2003, Essex, United Kingdom. For additional information, please see <http://www.aslib.com/sigs/itc/conf2002.html>.
2003 IRMA International Conference, Information Resources Management Association, 18 - 21 May 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.irma-international.org/conferences/2003/index.asp>.
Electronic Scientific, Technical, and Medical Journal Publishing and Its Implications, 19 - 20 May 2003, Washington, D.C., USA. For additional information, please see <http://www7.nationalacademies.org/cosepup/E-publishing.html>.
Save America's Treasures. Call for Grant Proposals. The deadline has been extended to: 20 May 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.nedcc.org/news/sat2.htm>.
ACM CIKM 2003, 12th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2 - 8 November 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Preliminary Call for Papers. The deadline for submission is 20 May 2003. For details and additional information, please see <http://bit.csc.lsu.edu/~cikm2003/>.
To Film or To Scan Workshop, Northeast Document Conservation Center, 20 - 22 May 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico. For additional information, please see <http://www.nedcc.org/filmscannm/micagen.htm>.
WWW2003, 12th International World Wide Web Conference, 20 - 24 May 2003, Budapest, Hungary. For additional information, please see <http://www2003.org/>.
ETD 2003, Sixth International Symposium On Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Next Steps - Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Worldwide, 21 - 24 May 2003, Berlin, Germany. For more information, please see <http://www.hu-berlin.de/etd2003/>.
Preserving The Web, ERPANET, 22 - 24 May 2003, Kerkira, Greece. For additional information, please see <http://www.erpanet.org/>.
CMMR 2003, Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval 2003, 26 - 27 May 2003, Montpellier, France. For additional information, please see <http://www.cs.aue.auc.dk/cmmr2003/>.
LIDA 2003, WWW and information retrieval & WWW and libraries, 26 - 30 May 2003, Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia. For additional information, please see <http://knjiga.pedos.hr/lida/>.
IASSIST 2003, Strength in Numbers: Co-operating for a Better Tomorrow, International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology, 27 - 30 May 2003, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For additional information, please see <http://iassist2003.ssc.uwo.ca/>.
JCDL 2003, Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 27 - 31 May 2003, Houston, Texas, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.jcdl.org/>.
ACH/ALLC 2003, Web X: A Decade of the World Wide Web, Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 29 May - 2 June 2003, Athens, Georgia, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.english.uga.edu/webx/>.
Proxy Web Servers and Authentication, a LITA Regional Institute, 30 May 2003, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. For additional information, please see <http://www.lita.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Our_Association/Divisions/LITA/LITA_Home.htm>.
CAIS/ACSI 2003, Bridging the Digital Divide: Equalizing Access to Information and Communication Technologies, 31st Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Sciences, 30 May - 1 June 2003, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. For additional information and submission details, please see <http://www.cais-acsi.ca/papers2003.htm>.
Building a Meaningful Web: From Traditional Knowledge Organization Systems to New Semantic Tools, 6th NKOS (Networked Knowledge Organization Systems) Workshop, 31 May 2003, a workshop at JCDL 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.rice.edu/jcdl03/workshops.html>.
Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, Office of Legislative and Public Affairs, National Science Foundation. Call for Contest Entries. The deadline for submission is 31 May 2003. For additional information, please see <http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/events/sevc/overview.htm>.
(Unless otherwise noted, text enclosed in quotation marks above is quoted from the web sites for those items or events or from press releases received by D-Lib Magazine from the hosting or event-affiliated organizations.)
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DOI: 10.1045/april2003-clips