D-Lib Magazine
December 1998ISSN 1082-9873
Clips & Pointers
Enhancing Infrastructure for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Program Announcement NSF 99-32
Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences
Deadline date: March 1, 1999
The National Science Foundation promotes and advances scientific progess in the United States by competitively awarding grants for research and education in the sciences, mathematics and engineering.
To get the latest information about program deadlines, to download copies of NSF publications, and to access abstracts of awards, visit the NSF Web site at:>
Introduction: The Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a Special Focus to increase and improve infrastructure to support the social and behavioral sciences. The Division of Social, Behavioral and Economic Research (SBER) has supported critical large-scale infrastructure for the SBE sciences ever since it first supported continuing sample survey projects in the 1960s. These investments have ranged from experimental facilities to centers for scholarly interactions, from a comprehensive survey that has followed the same families for a generation to narrowly defined data collections subsequently shared among researchers. Major parts of the behavioral, and especially the social sciences owe their substantial development to the widespread use of these resources. The societal benefits have accumulated apace, including fundamental understanding of poverty, income disparities, social stratificaton, voting patterns, family dissolution, public attitudes, and parents' investments in their children.
Yet, challenging scientific questions and associated societal dilemmas still abound. These require new infrastructure, even new kinds of infrastructure, for their elucidation. Simultaneously, the expanding capabilities of the World Wide Web to create, consolidate, and share infrastructure resources are barely touched in the social and behavioral sciences. This confluence of major payoffs to existing infrastructure, unanswered scientific questions requiring new infrastructure, and unprecendented power to bring data, researchers, and experimental facilities together electronically creates a singular window of opportunity. This Special Focus aims to realize this opportunity by expanding the number and variety of infrastruture projects that are large, innovative, and long-running.
Plans call for a second Special Focus competition, to be held in FY 2000, subject to availability of funds. Updated solicitations, which may include revised research emphases or adjustments to submission and review procedures, will be released in advance of these competitions. Researchers are encouraged to visit the SBE web-site (http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/start.htm) for any update on this Special Focus.
Program Description: This Special Focus aims to create or extend innovative large-scale infrastructure projects that promise widely spread support to social and behavioral scientists. Proposed projects may fall entirely within one of the following four areas or a combination of them.
- Collect data from surveys, experiments, or administrative records; case or historical records; or objects of investigation (archaeological items, for example); that will support broad-based investigations into the most important scientific questions facing social and behavioral science in the next decade.
- Create Web-based data archiving systems that enable world-wide access to linked databases, and that incorporate innovative capabilities for metadata, file searching, and data confidentiality protection.
- Create Web-based collaboratories to enable real-time controlled experimentation, to share the use of expensive experimental equipment, and/or to share widely the process and results of research in progress.
- Establish Center programs to facilitate intensive cross-fertilization of research ideas and projects among selected researchers of diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and interests. Such centers will use innovative measures to encourage collaborative research activity that would not otherwise occur. The centers may be geographically and/or virtually organized.
Proposals may be to establish complete infrastructure projects or to prototype particularly new and risky ideas. Proposals must include specific suggested criteria for evaluation of the project at both intermediate and final stages of the grant.
Eligibility: Proposals may be submitted by individual investigators, by small groups from universities or by inter-university consortia. Synergistic collaboration among researchers and collaboration or partnerships with industry or government agencies are encouraged when appropriate. Only one proposal may be submitted by a Principal Investigator and he/she may collaborate in one other proposal as a Co-Investigator. Group and collaborative proposals involving more than one institution must be submitted as a single administration package from one of the institutions involved. Due to the limited availability of funds, prospective applicants are strongly urged to contact one of the program officers listed for guidance.
- Mr. William P. Butz, Director, Division of Social, Behavioral and Economic Research, Room 995N, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230, telephone 703.306.1760, email: wbutz@nsf.gov.
- Or to: Dr. Hilleary D. Everist, Deputy Division Director, Division of Social, Behavioral and Economic Research, Room 995N, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230, telephone 703.306.1760, email: heverist@nsf.gov.
Award Information:Under this Focus, SBER intends to make at least four to eight awards, depending on the quality of submissions and the availability of funds. These awards will be at the level of $500,000 to $1 million per year, continuing for up to ten years. Approximately $3 million will be available in FY 1999. Meritorious projects not funded in FY 1999 may be held over for FY 2000. All awards will be made as grants or cooperative agreements, subject to specified reporting procedures. The budget for supported projects may be expected to ramp down in the final years of the award.
For instructions regarding proposal preparation and submissions, requirements, review information, award administration information, and other important information regarding this Special Focus, see http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/1999/nsf9932/nsf9932.htm.
The Historic American Sheet Music Project
Contributed by:
Paul Mangiafico
Director, The Digital Scriptorium
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Duke University
paulm@duke.eduThe Digital Scriptorium at Duke University's Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library has just completed Historic American Sheet Music, a digital library project funded by a grant from the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Competition. The result of over a year of work by project staff and Duke University students, the site includes digital images of over 16,000 pages of sheet music from 3042 pieces published in the United States between 1850 and 1920.
The selection presents a significant perspective on American history and culture. The sheet music chosen for digital reproduction represents a wide variety of music types including bel canto, minstrel songs, protest songs, sentimental songs, patriotic and political songs, plantation songs, Civil War songs, spirituals, dance music, songs from vaudeville and musicals, "Tin pan alley" songs, and songs from World War I. The collection is particularly strong in antebellum Southern music, Confederate imprints, and Civil War songs. Also included are piano music of marches, variations, opera excerpts, and dance music, including waltzes, quadrilles, polkas, etc. A rich Encoded Archival Description (EAD) database of information about the music is searchable and browsable in a variety of ways, and the site includes background information about the music itself as well as the social, cultural, and political events that shaped the songs and that are depicted in the pieces.
Full details about the techniques used to develop this project can be found in the site's Technical Information pages, written by Lois Schultz (the subject expert for this project, who cataloged the music and provided introductory information) and Stephen Miller (the project manager, who supervised the day to day operations of the project's development and was the architect of what you see on the web site). In these notes, they discuss how the pieces were selected and indexed, how the SGML database was created and made available via the web, and what techniques were used to create digital images of the sheet music. I invite anyone who is interested in these details to read these pages at http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/sheetmusic/techinfo.html
The key component of this project, and what I believe makes it most valuable to users, is the amount of attention that went into building a user interface that is inviting both to seasoned researchers and casual browsers. Through detailed item-level records, extensive introductory and contextual information, and varied modes of access, we hoped that users at all levels of skill and education would be able to find what they needed (and perhaps what they didn't know they needed) in this resource. From early on in the project we realized that this image database would be used in ways that we might not imagine, so we tried to allow for as much flexibility as possible. To this end, the project team developed a variety of ways to browse and search the collection. The most extensive of these is a series of "canned" searches that give the user the ability to browse through items sharing similar subjects, illustrations, or advertisements. Once a particular piece is selected, the user can then hyperlink across to other pieces that share any of the subject headings. The user can also perform keyword searches on any or all fields in the database, as well as browse by decade of publication or by thumbnail images of the cover art on each of the pieces. A timeline of major events in politics and government, international affairs, companies, inventions, exploration, humanities, publications, and sports is also included to provide social and historical context.
One of the primary goals of the Digital Scriptorium (and of the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library as a whole) is to make archival materials available to a wider audience, and in particular, to introduce archival research to students (both in the formal and informal sense) who are accustomed to using only second-hand sources. We hope this project will achieve those goals and also serve as a model for other digital library projects.
Please visit the Historic American Sheet Music site, and check back frequently with The Digital Scriptorium to see our future projects as they become available. Currently in progress are projects featuring historical advertisements and the photographs and writings of documentary photographer William Gale Gedney, all scheduled to be completed within the next year.
The 1998 National Survey of Information Technology in Higher Education
Contributed by
Kenneth C. Green
The Campus Computing Project
Visiting Scholar, Center for Educational Studies
Claremont Graduate School
PO Box 261242
Encino, CA 91426-1242
cgreen@earthlink.netNew data from the annual Campus Computing Project reveal that two decades after the first microcomputers arrived on college campuses, American colleges and universities continue to struggle with computer and information technology (IT) planning. Just under half of US colleges have a strategic plan for information technology, more than 60 percent do not have an IT financial plan, and only about two-fifths have an IT curriculum plan. Moreover, two-fifths have an instructional plan for using the Internet, less than a third have a plan for using the Internet in their distance learning initiatives, and only a fourth have a campus policy regarding intellectual property for WWW-based instructional resources developed by faculty.
Clearly technology has become a pervasive part of the campus environment and college experience. Students of all ages and across all fields come to campus expecting to learn about and also to learn with technology. Yet across all sectors of the higher education landscape, institutions continue to struggle with key aspects of IT planning and infrastructure: developing a strategic and a financial plan for IT, planning curriculum integration, and providing adequate user support.
These planning challenges are reflected in the issues identified as the top IT challenges confronting colleges and universities. Again this year, more than a third of the survey respondents (33.3 percent) identified "assisting faculty to integrate technology into instruction" as the single most important IT issue confronting their institution, followed by "providing adequate user support" (26.5 percent); IT financial planning ranked third at 17.1 percent. Only 4.3 percent of the respondents identified Year 2000 (Y2K) problems as the most important IT challenge confronting their campus.
These new data from the annual survey conducted by the Campus Computing Project Campuses confirm that colleges are doing more with technology, and that institutions are doing it better than in the past. But the real challenge at most institutions is to improve resources and services given both rising expectations and exploding demand.
Not surprisingly, the 1998 survey shows that more college courses are using more technology. The percentage of classes using e-mail jumped to 44.4 percent this year, up from 32.8 percent in 1997, 25.0 percent in 1996 and just 8.0 percent in 1994. One-third (33.1 percent) of all classes are tapping into Internet resources as part of the syllabus, compared to one-fourth (24.8 percent) last year and just 15.3 percent in 1996. And almost one-fourth (22.5 percent) of all college courses are using "WWW pages for class materials and resources", compared to just 8.4 percent in 1996 and 4.0 percent in 1994.
As a group, the survey respondents do not appear very concerned about the potential impact of the Year 2000 bug at their campuses. The vast majority, 70.0 percent, "disagree" or "strongly disagree" that "Y2K problems pose a major problem for my institution." The Y2K data suggest that campus officials may view the Y2K issue as a supplier responsibility, rather than a campus problem, given that fewer institutions "build" core administrative and instructional software than was the case even five years ago.
Although the WWW has become a critical vehicle for scholarly dissemination and as a repository for instructional resources, the 1998 survey reveals that most campuses have not developed policies to address intellectual property issues. Roughly a third of research universities report some type of policy addressing faculty-developed intellectual property on the campus WWW site (38.6 pct. for public universities; 30.4 pct. for private universities). In contrast, just over a fourth (27.5 pct.) of public four-year colleges and community colleges (27.3 pct.) have institutional policies about WWW-based intellectual property, while less than a sixth (14.1 pct.) of four-year private colleges have addressed this issue.
Finally, the 1998 survey data document the efforts of colleges and universities to use the WWW to offer an expanding range of information and support services. Across all sectors of higher education, a growing number of institutions are using the WWW to provide access to admissions forms, financial aid applications, course catalogs, and related materials. In some areas, the gains over one year have been striking: alumni services increased by a fifth (from 46.0 to 55.6 percent), student transcripts almost doubled (from 9.8 pct. of the 1997 respondents to 17.8 pct. this year), while course reserves more than doubled (from 8.6 percent in 1997 to 19.9 percent in 1998). Yet comparatively few institutions, just under 5 percent, are currently prepared for e-commerce via their WWW sites. Long-term the key e-commerce issues are user services, course materials, and other content, not t-shirts and application fees.
The annual Campus Computing Survey, now in its ninth year, is based on data provided by officials at 571 two- and four-year colleges and universities across the United States. Participating campuses completed the survey during Summer 1998.
See the web site for more information about the survey, including ordering instructions.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
Contributed by
Richard Hill
American Society for Information Science
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
rhill@asis.orgVOLUME 50, NUMBER 1 (January 1999)
To see the Table of Contents, click here.
The ASIS home page <http://www.asis.org> contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts from January 1993 (Volume 44) to date.
The full text of JASIS is available from 1986 (Volume 37) to date at <http://www.interscience.wiley.com> where one must register but for which there is no charge. This site includes the full text of JASIS and other Wiley journals. You may also set up a personal home page which allows you to:
- Browse the Wiley InterScience collection
- Search across the entire content of Wiley InterScience journals
- Add your own notes and comments to individual articles
- Store sets of search criteria for the searches you perform most often
- Go directly to the home page of your favorite Wiley journal
- Create and maintain your personal reading list
To view the JASIS articles full text, click on the "view articles" button at the top of the Title/Abstract page.
The complete sequence, after logging on and going to the JASIS page is:
- select issue to view;
- select title of article;
- select the "view article" button at the top of the page above the abstract. The article will then appear in Adobe Acrobat.
Also in Print
- Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Web-based Indexed, Abstracted, and Full Text Resources, International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC)
ICOLC issued a press release on November 11, 1998, regarding the Guidelines. It was the second statement issued by the ICOLC "to provide an international perspective on preferred practices in the licensing and purchasing of electronic information. [The] ICOLC document is based on the work of the JSTOR Web Statistics Task Force but expands on that work in order to reflect the diversity of resources licensed by the many ICOLC members."
The ICOLC press release may be found at http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/webstatspr.html, and the complete Guidelines can be found at http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia.
- Final Report of the Library of Congress Manuscript Document Digitization Demonstration Project (October 1998)
The Library of Congress Manuscript Document Digitization Project produced images of 10,000 document pages from the New Deal era Federal Theatre collection held by the Music Division at the Library of Congress. The project was sponsored by the National Digital Library Program (NDLP), and carried out from 1994-97 by Picture Elements, Inc. of Berkeley, CA and Boulder, CO.
The Executive Summary states:
The following questions framed the Manuscript Digitization Demonstration Project: What type of image is best suited for the digitization of large manuscript collections, especially collections consisting mostly of twentieth century typescripts? What level of quality strikes the best balance between production economics and the requirements set by future uses of the images? Will the same type of image that offers high quality reformatting also provide efficient online access for researchers?In fifteen chapters and several appendices, the report thoroughly documents how these questions were answered for the LC Manuscript Digitization Demonstration Project.
- The Need for an International Z39.50 Profile for Searching Virtual Catalogues
Projects in Canada, the United States and Europe have identified problems while using Z39.50 to simultaneously search several catalogues within a virtual catalogue. The Library of Canada has produced a document describing the issues and how adoption of a common profile will help to solve the problems. In addition, a discussion list is being used to gather input into the development of the profile. To participate, send the message SUBSCRIBE ZIP-PIZ-L first name last name to LISTSERV@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA
- Computerization of the Archivo General de Indias: Strategies and Results, by Pedro Gonzalez, Archivo General de Indias. Published by the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
The project of the Archivo General de Indias (AGI) in Seville, Spain, has digitized more than eleven million pages of documents relating to Spanish history in the New World. Its system for providing access to the digital documents has been in use for five years and has had as its goal offering digital surrogates to reduce the handling of originals.
The report, published in September 1998, illustrates the range of difficult decisions that managers faced throughout the project. It provides a useful case study for planners facing the technical, organizational, and managerial challenges presented by their own digitizing projects.
The full text of the report may be found at the CLIR web site.
Point to Point
- TEI and XML in Digital Libraries
On June 30 and July 1, 1998, the Digital Library Federation sponsored a meeting on "TEI and XML in Digital Libraries" to give focus, for the first time, to institutional applications of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), particularly in library settings. Many library-based digital projects have built their work on the TEI and several other initiatives, such as Encoded Archival Description (EAD), have been formulated with reference to the Guidelines.
The meeting had two major purposes:
- To explore common problems and common solutions for applications of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) in large-scale conversion and encoding efforts, primarily in libraries.
- To explore the impact of Extensible Markup Language (XML), and XML-conformant TEI, on digital library efforts.
Additional important issues were also addressed.
The meeting resulted in a set of recommendations and reports, all available at the web site for the meeting (http://www.hti.umich.edu/misc/ssp/workshops/teidlf).
- Library of Congress and Ameritech-National Digital Library Competition: Lessons Learned
"LC/Ameritech award winners from the first round of the competition have already learned many lessons about digitization projects. To help other award-winners and applicants take advantage of this experience, the competition staff have summarized, extracted, and paraphrased points from some of the six-monthly reports submitted by awardees."
This site provides links from project titles to descriptions of the projects prepared by competition staff when awards were made. Additionally, there are links from those pages which lead to web-based presentations of proposals, previews, or the resulting digital content by the awardee institutions.
- ARL Digital Initiatives Database
The ARL Digital Initiatives Database is a Web-based registry for descriptions of digital initiatives in or involving libraries. It is the result of collaboration between the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The goal of the effort is to capture basic information for a wide range of digital initiatives and seeks information about projects of all sizes and scope. An online submission form to be used by those wishing to add to the database may be found at http://www.arl.org:591/did/submit.html, and one may browse or search the database at http://www.arl.org:591/did/review.html
- Virtual Libraries in Probability and Statistics
A project, funded in part by the National Science Foundation and performed by the Mathematical Sciences Department at the Unversity of Alabama, has resulted in an interactive modular web site for students and teachers on the topic of probabilities and statistics . Each page is basically composed of:
- Applets, so that the student can run random experiments or generate data with output displayed in customized tables and graphs.
- Hypertext, including discussion of underlying mathematical theory, together with an set of exercises to guide the student.
In the overview to the site, its authors state their belief that probability and statistics should be taught from multiple points of view, including: mathematical analysis, data Analysis, and simulation analysis. See the site at http://www.math.uah.edu/stat/ for further information and browser requirements.
- The Spire Project
The Spire website provides an Internet source for Information Research Guidance which aims to extend the ability of users to gather information. It does this by publishing a collection of hypertext articles on information research resources and methods with links to the resources that are referenced in the article. Most of the articles are authored by David Novak who is also the primary manager for the Spire Project. Funding for the project comes solely from the commercial firms who benefit from the exposure provided by the site, and there are some disclaimers which should be noted when using the site.
Deadline Reminders
- Advances in Digital Libraries, IEEE ADL '99, 19 - 21 May 1999, Baltimore, MD, USA. Deadline for papers is 21 December 1998.
A selected number of papers will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Digital Libraries. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.- Digital Libraries '99 The Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, Sponsored by ACM SIGIR and SIGWEB. Deadline for paper submission 8 February 1999. (Please note: though this conference was announced last month, there is a new version of the call, with new details, dates, etc., at http://fox.cs.vt.edu/DL99)
- Special Issue of the Journal for Global Information Management, Libraries and the Internet: an International Agenda, Deadline for paper submission 10 January 1999. (See Guidelines for submission at http://www.idea-group.com/jgim.htm.)
- Racing Toward Tomorrow: ACRL 9th National Conference, 8 - 11 April 1999, Detroit, MI, USA. Early bird registration deadline 18 January 1999. (See details about conference below.)
- New Frontiers in Grey Literature, GL '99, 4-5 October 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Deadline for abstracts 1 February 1999.
Goings On
- IASSIST/CAPDU 1999, 17- 21 May 1999, Toronto, Canada. Call for papers. Sumissions due 31 December 1998.
The International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) and the Canadian Association of Public Data Users (CAPDU) announce their joint 1999 Conference, "Building bridges, breaking barriers: the future of data in the global network". The conference will be held May 16-21, 1999 on the University of Toronto campus in Toronto, Ontario and will address issues of computing and information services in social science research, teaching, and data management. This is IASSIST's 25th annual conference, and the ninth CAPDU conference.
The joint program committee welcomes proposals for papers, panels, poster sessions, demonstrations and workshops. Submissions that incorporate the following themes are particularly welcome:
- data access from national and international statistical agencies;
- the future of international survey research projects;
- the impact of network technology on data services;
- challenges to data preservation in the global network;
- developments in data documentation and metadata standards;
- the future of data librarians and data archivists (does disintermediation mean the death of data service professionals?);
- data futures in qualitative and quantitative research; and
- innovations in the application of data in classroom instruction.
Full details on the call for papers may be found at <http://www.yorku.ca/org/iassist/callforpapers.htm>.
- Information Science: Where has it been, where is it going? 26th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, 9 - 11 June 1999, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Call for papers. Abstracts due 15 January 1999.
Submissions are sought related to any aspect of information science, particularly those which exemplify the leading edge of the library discipline. They must include a title and a 500 word extended abstract of the proposed paper. The name(s) of the author(s), complete mailing and email addresses, telephone and fax numbers should be included on a separate sheet. Abstracts will be refereed. Papers may be in English or French. Preference will be given to papers that report research or debate underlying methodological/philosophical issues, rather than those that report on plans yet to be implemented.
Doctoral candidates are especially invited to submit. CAIS will be awarding a full conference registration and one-year membership to the best student submission. Student submissions must be single-authored, and proof of student status must be included with the submission.
Initial submssions in print, fax, or included in an email message bearing the subject "CAIS 1999 proposal should be sent to:
James M. Turner
CAIS 1999 Program Chair
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information
Université de Montréal
CP 6128, succursale Centre-ville
Montréal, QC CAN H3C 3J7
E-mail: james.turner@umontreal.ca
Voice: +1.514.343.2454
fax: +1.514.343.5753Watch for more information soon at http://tornade.ere.umontreal.ca/~turner/english/cais1999.html. (Site not available as of 12-14-98.)
- ACM Hypertext '99, 10th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 21 - 25 February, Darmstadt, Germany.
The keynote speaker for this conference will be Robert Cailliau who is one of the two original developers of the World Wide Web. He is currently the chair of the International World Wide Web conference series, and he will provide an analysis of the shaping forces of the web, and what happened during its development.
Full papers to be presented at the conference include the following:
- Hyperreading Electronic Tools for Dismantling the Master's House: Poststructuralist Feminist Research and Hypertext Poetics
Wendy Morgan, Queensland University of Technology, Australia"Lector in rebus": The Role of the Reader and the Characteristics of Hyperreading
Licia Calvi, University of Antwerp, BelgiumPiecing together and tearing apart: finding the story in afternoon
Jill Walker, University of Bergen, Norway- Models, Development and Assessment
Improving Hypermedia Development: A Reference Model-Based Process Assessment Method
David B. Lowe, Andrew J. Bucknell, Uni. of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Richard G. Webby, University of New South Wales, Sydney, AustraliaAHAM: A Dexter-based Reference Model for Adaptive Hypermedia
Paul De Bra, Geert-Jan Houben, Hongjing Wu, Eindhoven University of Technology, The NetherlandsAbstract Tasks: a Tool for the Inspection of WEB Sites and Off-line Hypermedia
Franca Garzotto, Maristella Matera, Paolo Paolini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy- Discovering and Generating Structure
Trailblazing the Literature of Hypertext: Author Co-Citation Analysis (1989-1998)
Chaomei Chen, Brunel University, UK
Les Carr, Southampton University, UKSemiautomatic Generation of Glossary Links: A Practical Solution
Hermann Kaindl, Stefan Kramer, Siemens, Wien, Austria
Papa Samba Niang Diallo, Wien, AustriaFinding Context Paths in Web
Yoshiaki Mizuuchi, Keishi Tajima, Kobe University, Japan- Multimedia
Audiovisual-based hypermedia authoring: using structured representations for the efficient manipulation of AV documents
Gwendal Auffret, Jean Carrive, Olivier Chevet, Thomas Dechilly, Rimi Ronfard, Bruno Bachimont, Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, FranceMix'n'Match: Exchangeable Modules of Hypermedia Style
Lloyd Rutledge, Lynda Hardman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Dick C. A. Bulterman, CWI, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsDo You Have the Time? Composition and Linking in Time-based Hypermedia
Lynda Hardman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, K. Sjoerd Mullender, Lloyd Rutledge, Dick C. A. Bulterman, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands- Navigation and Visualisation
Visualizing and Assessing Navigation in Hypertext
John E. McEneaney, Indiana University South Bend, USABeyond Location: Hypertext Workspaces and Non-Linear Views
Frank M. Shipman, III, Texas A&M University, USA
Catherine C. Marshall, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA
Mark LeMere, Guidant Corporation, USA- World Wide Web and Open Hypermedia Systems
Control Choices and Network Effects in Hypertext Systems
E. James Whitehead, Jr., University of California, Irvine, USAScalability in Open Hypermedia Systems
Kenneth M. Anderson, University of Colorado, Boulder, USAWhat was the question? Reconciling open hypermedia and World Wide Web research
Peter J. Nürnberg, Aarhus University, Denmark
Helen Ashman, University of Nottingham, UKStrategies for Web Augmentation
Niels Oluf Bouvin, Aarhus University, Denmark- Computer-supported Co-operative Work
Team-and-Role-Based Organizational Context and Access Control for Cooperative Hypermedia Environments
Weigang Wang, GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, GermanyFor a complete listing of short papers, courses, demonstrations, posters, workshops, and panels scheduled for the conference, see the programme at < http://www.kom.e-technik.tu-darmstadt.de/~ht99/>.
- 3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, "Value and Impact", 27 - 31 August 1999, Northumberland, England. Call for papers. Deadline for submission is 1 March 1999.
The Department of Information and Library Management, University of Northumbria at Newcastle has announced a third conference which will take place in August 1999 at Longhirst Management Training and Conference Centre, Longhirst Hall, Northumberland. The conference brochure will not be available until May of 1999.
Papers are being sought in, but not limited to, the following areas:
- The Digital Library
- Measuring Electronic Services
- The Internet as Information Source
- Public Libraries - Value & Impact
- Methodologies
- Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
- Research Projects
- Benchmarking
- Evaluating Performance Measurement
- Effectiveness of Performance Measurement
- Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement
- The Human Dimension, etc.
Proposals may be for a variety of presentation formats such as seminar presentations, panel discussions, workshops, posters, demonstrations, and question and answers. Proposals are due 1 March 1999 and should be sent to: The Manager, Information North, Bolbec Hall, Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1SE, England. Email: michael.long@dial.pipex.com.
- 1st IEEE Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT '99, 15 - 17 September 1999, Aachen, Germany. Call for papers. Deadline is 5 March 1999.
The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from the normally separated disciplines of telecommunications, technology studies, economics, business studies, management sciences, politics, and computer science, as well as IT users.
Papers that address issues relating to standardisation and/or innovation in IT, with an emphasis on the ‘and’, are solicited. Sample topics of interest include:
- The role of standards in information infrastructures.
- National/regional standardisation policies.
- Analysis of, and new models for, standardisation processes.
- The role of consortia in standards making.
- The economic dimension of IT standards.
- The impact of standards on innovations, and vice versa.
- Corporate and national/regional innovation processes.
- Case studies relating to standards setting and/or innovations in IT.
The deadline for paper submissions is 5 March 1999. Submission instructions are located at <http://www-i4.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~jakobs/siit99/call.html>.
- Racing Toward Tomorrow: ACRL 9th National Conference, 8 - 11 April 1999, Detroit, MI, USA.
Through the presentation of contributed papers, roundtable discussions, panel sessions, and poster sessions, the ACRL 9th Annual Conference will focus on how changes in the financial, technological, sociological, and political environments for higher education affect academic libraries and librarians today. What are the best ideas that librarians may use to keep pace with these changes as well as plan for the future?
Theme tracks include:
- Developing Alternate Resources
- Partnering for Effective Service
- Alternative Institutions and Providers
- Acquiring New Knowledge Skills
- Emerging Roles for Librarians
- 21st Century Learners
Abstracts of invited papers may be found at http://www.ala.org/acrl/invited.html on the conference web site and include:
- An Open Discussion on Copyright and Fair Use
Pat Schroeder, president and chief executive officer of the Association of American Publishers (AAP), and James Neal, director of librareis at Johns Hopkins University
- New Forms of Distance Eduation: Opportunities for Students, Threats to Institutions
Leigh S. Estabrook, Dean and Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
- Academic Publishing: Networks and Prices
Malcolm Getz, Dept. of Economics and Business Administration, Vanderbilt University
- The New Genres of Scholarly Communication and the Role of the Research Library
Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
- (Digital) Libraries Support (Distributed) Education
Gail McMillan, Director, Scholarly Communication Project, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Libraries
- The Changing Nature of Higher Education
Dr. Manuel T. Pacheco, President, The University of Missouri System
- Shifting Gears: A University President's View
Blenda J. Wilson, President, California State University, Northridge- On the Threshold of the 21st Century: Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World; 65th IFLA General Conference, 19 - 28 August 1999, Bangkok, Thailand
The following statement expresses the theme of the 65th IFLA Conference is exerpted from that agreed upon with the Thai Organising Committee:
In this information rich environment, libraries have to do more than act as hosts. As change agents they have a role to play in converting data into inforamtion, information into knowledge, and knowledge into wisdom by providing the means to seek a better future, an increasingly more enlighted world where such universal aspirations as peace, social and economic justice, intellectual freedom, respect for human dignity and rights and a healthy social and natural environment are reinforced, enhanced and converted into reality.Subtopics for the conference include:On the threshold of the twenty first century when a new and hopefully enlightened era can begin, the library and information professionals should take up the challenges to provide means for a better world.
- Strengthening the Gateway
- Legal aspects of information access
- Library staff education and training
- Affordable and efficient communication links
- Education at all levels as a component of the life long learning
processAssuring the Quality and Quantity of Information
- Development of quality information sources
- Development of "search engines" and other means to information sources
- The changing roles of Universal Bibliographic Control UBC and Universal Availability of Publication UAP
- Publishing in all media for an enlightened world
- Conservation of documentary heritage and provision of wider access
Networking for "Quality of Life"
- Libraries for peace and conflict resolution
- Libraries for cultural development and aesthetic appreciation
- Libraries for healthy body and wholesome mind
- Environment and culture information networks
- Networking services for the disadvantaged and abused
Books and bytes: technologies for the hybrid library: 10th VALA Biennial Conference and Exhibition, 16 - 18 February 2000, Melbourne, Australia. Call for papers. Deadline for paper submission: 28 April 1999. The Victorian Association for Library Automation Inc. (VALA) aims to promote the use and understanding of information technology as it applies to practitioners in the library and information dissemination industries.
Papers are being solicited for the 10th VALA Biennial Conference, and possible topics might include (but are not limited to):
- Enabling Technologies
- Metadata
- Marc - evolving and merging with metadata
- Z39.50
- Mark-up languages: SGML, XML, RDF Structured documents
- User authentication and certification
- Digital publishing
- Digital paper, wearable computers
- Transponders, fringe technology
- Perpetual access mechanisms
- Services
- Who are the users?
- Virtual libraries
- The Internet as public library?
- E-commerce
- Value-added services and systems
- User Issues
- User interfaces
- Psychology of Internet usage (for example, chat)
- Information for the resource poor in the IT age
- Privacy, information, ethics
- Business Strategies/Management
- Integrating library systems
- Planning and implementing new technologies
- Licensing and consortia
- Data collection and targeted services
- Archiving electronic resources
Submission details may be found at the VALA web site.
Pointers in this Column
1st IEEE Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT '99, 15 - 17 September 1999, Aachen, Germany.
3rd Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries and Information Services, "Value and Impact", 27 - 31 August 1999, Northumberland, England.
ACM Hypertext '99, 10th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 21 -25 February, Darmstadt, Germany.
Advances in Digital Libraries, IEEE ADL '99, 19 - 21 May 1999, Baltimore, MD, USA.
American Society for Information Science
ARL Digital Initiatives Database
Books and bytes: technologies for the hybrid library: 10th VALA Biennial Conference and Exhibition, 16 - 18 February 2000, Melbourne, Australia.
Computerization of the Archivo General de Indias: Strategies and Results
Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, 9 - 11 June 1999, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Call for papers. Abstracts due 15 January 1999. James Turner, CAIS 1999 Program Chair.
Digital Libraries '99 The Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, Sponsored by ACM SIGIR and SIGWEB. Deadline for paper submission 10 January 1999.
Digital Scriptorium
Digital Scriptorium future projects
Digital Scriptorium historical advertisements
Digital Scriptorium photographs and writings of documentary photographer William Gale Gedney
Digital Scriptorium Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
Digital Scriptorium Technical Information
Encoded Archival Description (EAD)
Enhancing Infrastructure for the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Program Announcement NSF 99-32
Final Report of the Library of Congress Manuscript Document Digitization Demonstration Project (October 1998)
Guidelines for Statistical Measures of Usage of Web-based Indexed, Abstracted, and Full Text Resources
IASSIST/CAPDU 1999, 17- 21 May 1999, Toronto, Canada.
International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) press release of November 11, 1998
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Competition
Library of Congress and Ameritech-National Digital Library Competition: Lessons Learned
New Frontiers in Grey Literature, GL '99, 4-5 October 1999, Washington, DC, USA.
Racing Toward Tomorrow: ACRL 9th National Conference 8 - 11 April 1999, Detroit, MI, USA.
Special Issue of the Journal for Global Information Management, Libraries and the Internet: an International Agenda, Deadline for paper submission 10 January 1999.
TEI and XML in Digital Libraries
The 1998 National Survey of Information Technology in Higher Education
The Historic American Sheet Music Project
The Need for an International Z39.50 Profile for Searching Virtual Catalogues
The Spire Project
Virtual Libraries in Probability and Statistics
Wiley InterScience Journal collection
Correction made to submission deadline for the Fourth ACM Conference on Digital Libraries, The Editor, December 17, 1998 8:58 AM.
Copyright (c) 1998 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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