D-Lib Magazine
December 1999Volume 5 Number 12
ISSN 1082-9873Clips & Pointers
In Print
- Selected Papers from the Australian Film Institute's infog99 Conference. (This notice of availability was contributed to D-Lib Magazine by Chris Brophy, Information Services Manager, Australian Film Institute, cbrophy@afi.org.au.)
Two papers by the keynote speakers at the Australian Film Institute's infog99 conference: a conference on the latest digital developments in screen culture and research (July 1999) have just been published online in Issue 8 of the e-journal Screening the past at < http://www.latrobe.edu.au/www/screeningthepast/ >.
The papers are:
- "Serving the nation in the digital era", by Richard Paterson, Controller of Projects and Development at the British Film Institute
- "The PADS project at the University of Glasgow", by Tony Pearson, Head of Dept. of Theatre, Film & Television, University of Glasgow.
The specific page to get to the articles by Tony Pearson and Richard Paterson is: < http://www.latrobe.edu.au/www/screeningthepast/current.html >.
Other selected papers from infog99 will be published on the Australian Film Institute website < http://www.cinemedia.net/AFI/ > as they become available.
(Editor's note: to reach the infog99 proceedings, from the American Film Institute home page, click on "Research and Information" on the navigation bar at the top of the home page; next click on "Infog99: a conference on the latest digital developments in screen culture and research" from the menu on the right side of the "Research and Information page; and then click on "Proceedings" to reach the table of contents. Several papers from the infog99 conference were available online as of 12/14/99.)- Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), Volume 50, Number 14 and Volume 51, Number 1.
To see the Tables of Contents, please click here.
The ASIS home page <http://www.asis.org/Publications/JASIS/tocs.html> contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts from January 1993 (Volume 44) to date.
The John Wiley Interscience site http://www.interscience.wiley.com includes issues from 1986 (Volume 37) to date. Guests have access only to tables of contents and abstracts. Registered users of the Interscience site have access to the full text of these issues and to preprints. Richard Hill, Executive Director of ASIS says, "We are working on restoring access for ASIS members in the near future."
American Society for Information Science
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 495-0900 FAX (301) 495-0810
http://www.asis.org/- ASIS '99 Proceedings of the 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting: Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use, Volume 36. Edited by Larry Woods, University of Iowa. Published for the American Society for Information Science by Information Today, Inc., Medford, NJ. ISBN: 1-57387-091-9, 868 pages.
The print version of the ASIS '99 Proceedings is now available for purchase and may be ordered from the ASIS Online Bookstore (in association with amazon.com) at <http://www.asis.org/Publications/bookstore/am99p.html>.
The 1999 conference was held October 31 - November 4, 1999, in Washington, D.C., USA. The theme of the conference, Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use, was reflected in the five featured conference tracks:
- Knowledge Discovery, Capture and Creation
- Classification and Representation
- Information Retrieval
- Knowledge Dissemination
- Ethical, Cultural, Social & Behavioral Aspects
And the Proceedings is organized into three parts: Contributed Papers; Special Interest Group (SIG) Sessions and Panels; and Plenary Sessions.
An excerpt from the Preface from the Proceedings states:
This conference explored current (and imminent) knowledge creation, acquisition, navigation, correlation, retrieval, management and dissemination practicalities and potentialities, their implementation and impact, and the theories behind the developments. The speakers reviewed the processes, technologies and tools, such as rights tracking, interfaces and visualization, search engine design and capabilities, and automated indexing and classification. They also described the appropriate or necessary operational policies, relevant legal issues (laws, legislation and the EU Directive), and possible international and domestic policies and regulations.The cost of the Proceedings is $39.50 for ASIS members and $49.50 for non-members, plus shipping and handling.
- Preservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual, Third edition (printed version of the online edition). Edited by Sherelyn Ogden. Published by Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC), 412 pages, $50.00.
The third edition of Preservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual which is available full text online at < http://www.nedcc.org/plam3/manhome.htm > is now also available for purchase in print format on acid-free paper. Payment of $50.00 per each hardbound copy (price includes shipping and handling) is required at the time of purchase.
The manual can be ordered from the following address:Northeast Document Conservation Center
Attn: Kim O'Leary
100 Brickstone Square
Andover, MA 01810-1494Include a check made out to "NEDCC". For more information about ordering this manual please see < http://www.nedcc.org/prplam.htm >.
The Northeast Document Conservation Center is a nonprofit regional conservation center specializing in the conservation of paper-based materials including books, documents, photographs, architectural drawings, maps, posters, wallpaper, and works of art on paper. NEDCC also conducts workshops on preservation issues (such as the popular, "To Film or to Scan") throughout the country. A listing of upcoming events may be found at the NEDCC web site < http://www.nedcc.org/ >.
- Journals Launch Private Reference Network, by Eliot Marshall, in "News of the Week", Science, 19 November 1999, Volume 286, page 1459.
This news item provides information about the plan of a group of 12 private and non-profit organizations to cross-link their journal articles through their reference lists using Digital Object Identifier (DOI) tags. The twelve organizations are:
- AAAS (Science)
- Academic Press
- American Institute of Physics
- Association of Computing Machinery
- Blackwell Science
- Elsevier Science
- John Wiley & Sons
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Nature
- Oxford University Press
- Springer-Verlag
The Science news item is available online in full text to subscribers of Science Online, or may be ordered at a cost of $5.00 from the following source <http://www.aaas.org/>.
- A short list of open access magazines and journals which focus on digital libraries and related topics.
There are several good online journals and magazines that are free of charge to anyone with an Internet connection. Below is a list of a few that have recently released issues dealing with digital libraries and related topics. This list is not meant to be all inclusive, by any means.
ARIADNE: < http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/ >
CLIR issues: < http://www.clir.org/pubs/issues/ >
First Monday: < http://firstmonday.org/ >
iMP Magazine: < http://www.cisp.org/imp/ >
Journal of Electronic Publishing: < http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/ >
RLG DigiNews: < http://www.rlg.org/preserv/diginews/ >
Point to Point
- Version 28, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., 8 December 1999.
Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, has announced the availability of Version 28 of his periodical bibliography, which is selective and is focussed on scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. In the bibliography, he provides links to sources listed, where available. The bibliography is located at < http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html > where it is available in HTML, PDF, and Word 97 formats.
- Archive Builders -- Available Papers, by Steve Gilheany, Archive Builders.
Archive Builders is a company that provides educational and consulting services to clients in "the areas of engineering, municipal government, commercial records management, education, biotechnology, natural resources, and manufacturing." Archive Builders' Steve Gilheany presents classes as part of the UCLA Extension program as well as at other venues. Mr. Gilheany is a specialist in Information Science (MLS), a Certified Document Imaging Architect (CDIA) Certified Records Manager (CRM), and Senior Systems Engineer. He makes his class materials available for free download from his website at <http://www.ArchiveBuilders.com/ > for those who are unable to attend one of his classes.
Please see the ArchiveBuilders website at <http://www.ArchiveBuilders.com/abpapers.html > for papers from his upcoming three day course, Document Imaging - Document Management. Be sure to read the information provided regarding downloading, referencing and use of these materials. Also note any disclaimers (such as that Mr. Gilheany cannot warrant that the files available for download are virus free). Papers are updated frequently, and users are advised to check back for the latest versions.
Deadline Reminders
- IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries: ADL'2000, 22 - 24 May 2000, Washington, D.C., USA. Call for participation. Paper, panel and workshop proposals deadline is 20 December 1999. See below for more details.
- 5th Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) Paris 2000, 19 - 22 January 2000, Paris, France. Deadline for registration: 20 December 1999. See below for details.
- Internet Archive Colloquium 2000, 8 - 9 March 2000, San Francisco, California, USA. Call for participation: the deadline for papers has been extended to 21 December 1999. See below for more details.
- Museums and the Web 2000, 17 - 19 April 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The deadline for early registration and for scholarship application is 31 December 1999. Please see the conference web site at < http://www.archimuse.com/mw2000/dates/index.html > for more information.
- CAIS 2000: 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, 28 - 30 May 2000, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Call for papers: the deadline for submission is 3 January 2000. See below for more information.
- HICSS-33: Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 4 - 7 January 2000, Maui, Hawaii, USA. Please see the conference website at < http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/HICSS_33/apahome3.htm > for details.
- LITA National Forum 2000: High Tech/High Touch: The Human Aspects of Technology, 3 - 5 November 2000, Portland, Oregon, USA. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 7 January 2000. See below for more information.
- SIGIR 2000, 24 - 28 July 2000, Athens, Greece. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000. Please see below for details.
- CRIDALA 2000 (Centre for Research on Distance & Adult Learning), 21 - 24 June 2000, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000. Please see below for more information.
- ALA Annual Conference 2000: Libraries Building Community and Building a Worldwide Library Community, 6 - 13 July 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Call for papers; the submission deadline is 15 January 2000. See below.
- Fourth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Professions, 15 - 17 August 2001, Chester, Vermont, USA. Call for papers; abstract submission is due 15 January 2000. See below for preliminary information.
- DIMACS Workshop: On the Management of Digital IP, 17 - 18 April 2000, Rutgers, New Jersey, USA. Call for participation; deadline for submitted papers is 17 January 2000. See below for more information.
- Open Forum on Metadata Registries, 17 - 21 January 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Please see < http://www.sdct.itl.nist.gov/
~ftp/l8/sc32wg2/2000/events/openforum/index.htm for information about this international conference.
Calls for Participation
- IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries: ADL'2000, 22 - 24 May 2000, Washington, D.C., USA. Call for papers. Deadline for submission is 20 December 1999.
ADL'2000 is sponsored by the IEEE with the goal of sharing and disseminating "information about current issues concerning digital library research and technology." Papers are being sought on all areas of DL technology, including -- but not limited to:
- Agent Technology
- Authoring and Scripting
- Collaborative Research
- Datamining
- Digital Library Testbed Systems
- Document Models
- Economic Issues and Billing Mechanisms
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Intellectual Property, Protection, Security and Privacy
- Knowledge Representation including Domain and User Models
- Knowledge Integration
- Meta-information
- Publishing
- Searching, Browsing, Filtering and Personalization
- Semantic and Systems Interoperability
- Resource Discovery and Management
- Standards and Protocols
- Telecommunications and Networking
- Multimedia Libraries
- Sensor Data Stores and Libraries
- User Workspaces
Please see the IEEE ADL'2000 website for details at < http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/ADL2000/ADL2000CFP.htm >.
- Internet Archive Colloquium 2000, 8 - 9 March 2000, San Francisco, California, USA. Call for participation: the deadline for papers has been extended to 21 December 1999, and attendence is limited to 30 - 40 people.
The Internet Archive is building a digital library to save important Internet based information to the 22nd century and beyond. It is intended to become a resource for the world, and depends for its success on interaction, partnership, and cooperation with others. To this end, the Internet Archive will hold its first colloquium on 8 - 9 March 2000 in the Presidio of San Francisco.
"The colloquium will be a forum for discussion of the current status of the latest research and real world projects in the areas of digital libraries, building, understanding and using archives of Internet based information sources, and storage/indexing/access of large multi-media archives."
Please see the Internet Archive web site at < http://archive.org/colloquium2000 > for complete information about this colloquium including suggested topics for papers and submission instructions.
- CAIS 2000: 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, 28 - 30 May 2000, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Call for papers: the deadline for submission is 3 January 2000.
CAIS has announced its 28th Annual Conference with the theme, "The Diverse Domain of Information Science". Papers for the conference are being sought in one of the following five dimensions:
- Theories
- Politics
- People
- Technologies
- Systems
For full descriptions of the above dimensions and details regarding submission of papers, please see the CAIS 2000 website at < http://www.ualberta.ca/~holson/cais2000/caiscfp.htm >.
- LITA National Forum 2000: High Tech/High Touch: The Human Aspects of Technology, 3 - 5 November 2000, Portland, Oregon, USA. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 7 January 2000.
The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) has announced its upcoming national forum and has issued a call for presentation proposals. "The conference organizers are especially interested in presentations focusing on how technology is impacting on or improving our ability to deliver services, although proposals on all aspects of "library and information technology are welcome." Suggested topics for presentations include:
- Ergonomics
- Interface design
- Copyright management
software- Authentication/privacy
- Assistive/adaptive technologies
- Instruction for information technology use
- E-books
- Software/technologies for collaboration
- Information technology impacts on information seeking and access
- Customization of information through the web
- Multimedia
- Managing technological change
- Metadata/cataloging electronic resources
- Software/technologies for serving remote patrons
- Distance education
- Wireless computing
- Search engines
- Virtual reality
- Electronic journals
- Electronic reserves
Those who are interested in submitting proposals for presentations at the LITA National Forum 2000 should contact Jacqueline Mundell, LITA's Executive Director at jmundell@ala.org.
SIGIR 2000, 24 - 28 July 2000, Athens, Greece. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000. The deadline for proposals for tutorials, workshops, posters, panels and demonstrations is 11 February 2000. SIGIR is a major international forum for presentations of research and demonstrations of systems in the area of information retrieval. A call for papers has been issued for the 23rd annual conference to be held next summer. Papers are sought in the following topic areas (the list below is from the SIGIR website), as well as in other relevant topic areas:
- IR Theory, including logical, statistical and interactive IR models, data fusion.
- Experimentation: test collections, interactive IR experiments, evaluation measures, experimental design, testing methodology, scalability.
- Natural Language Processing: word sense disambiguation, discourse analysis, summarization for the purposes of IR, use of linguistic resources for IR.
- Contextual IR: multi-media IR, cross-lingual IR systems, speech retrieval, dialogue management; (non)feature-based indexing, information seeking and task embedded IR.
- Interface issues: user and use modeling, human-computer interaction, search strategies.
- Filtering, Extraction, Routing, and Text Classification.
- Systems and Implementation Issues: integration with database systems, networked systems and the internet, compression, efficient query evaluation.
- Applications: electronic publishing, digital libraries, text mining, WWW-related issues, semi structured document retrieval.
For complete details about this call for proposals, please see the SIGIR website at < http://sigir2000.aueb.gr/English/call.html >.
CRIDALA 2000 (Centre for Research on Distance & Adult Learning), 21 - 24 June 2000, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000. The CRIDALA conference is designed as a forum for the latest research in distance and adult education in the Asia-Pacific region and other regions world wide, and it is also designed to provide the opportunity for experts to meet and discuss future directions for research.
There are seven potential subthemes for the conference upon which paper topics may be submitted.
- Cross-national, cross-cultural, inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional research
- Mentoring and research career development
- Utilising information and communication technologies in ODL research
- Research as incentive and reward in professional development
- Enhancing teaching and learning through research
- ODL research agenda for the 21st century
- Research and policy nexus in ODL
For more complete information about CRIDALA 2000 and instructions for proposal submission, see the conference web site at < http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/cridal/cridala/details.htm >.
ALA Annual Conference 2000: Libraries Building Community and Building a Worldwide Library Community, 6 - 13 July 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Call for papers; the submission deadline is 15 January 2000. The global theme of the ALA Annual Conference 2000 is to focus on how the library community is becoming a worldwide community. Papers are sought that may be either practical or theoretical. Only eight papers will be selected for presentation at the conference; however, some of the papers that are not presented may be published on the ALA website after the conference.
Submission details should be obtained from the International Relations Office of the American Library Association via e-mail: intl@ala.org.
Fourth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Professions, 15 - 17 August 2001, Chester, Vermont, USA. Call for papers; abstract submission is due 15 January 2000. The theme for this conference is to be "Delivering Lifelong Continuing Professional Education Across Space and Time", and organizers expect that theme to be addressed through papers on such topics as:
- Defining lifelong learning needs for continuing professional education
- Models to expand shorter continuing education experiences into lifelong learning
- Meeting the needs of information professionals for lifelong learning: predicting their needs
- Effects of new technologies on both the need for continuing education as well as the use of new technologies to provide the actual opportunities
- Acknowledging the differences: how to structure learning sessions so that "one size fits all" when our colleagues live in different countries and cultures, speak different languages, and have widely varying library science educational systems in their countries
- Sharing continuing professional education programs across time and space.
Abstracts should be sent electronically to Viki Ash-Geisler f_ash@two.edu. Contact Dr. Ash-Geisler for additional information.
DIMACS Workshop: On the Management of Digital IP, 17 - 18 April 2000, Rutgers, New Jersey, USA. Call for participation; deadline for submitted papers is 17 January 2000. DIMACS stands for the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science and is a collaborative effort of Rutgers and Princeton Universities, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore) and NEC Research Institute.
The following statement of purpose for the upcoming April DIMACS workshop is from the DIMACS workshop website: "DIMACS will sponsor a two-day series of technical talks and 'position statements' on the design, development, and deployment of IP-management technology that strikes the right balance between the need to control copying and modification and the desire to foster innovative uses of digital works that have been enabled by computing and communication advances."
Papers are solicited on the following topics as well as other related topics:
- Intellectual property protection.
- Anti-piracy techniques.
- Legal issues in the protection of digital rights.
- New business models for managing digital rights.
- Passive content protection, e.g., watermarking, tracing traitors.
- Active content protection, e.g., software tamper resistance.
- Hardware solutions to content protection.
Please see the DIMACS website at < http://crypto.Stanford.EDU/DIMACS/ > for complete information about this call for participation and other workshop details.
C.I.R. 2000: The Challenge of Image Retrieval, 4 - 5 May 2000, Brighton, United Kingdom. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 21 January 2000. The series of Challenge for Image Retrieval conferences originated to bridge the gap between different communities with an interest in image retrieval. This will be the third conference in the series.
Papers are sought on the following topics, but topics are not limited to this list.
- Studies of information-seeking behaviour among image users
- HCI issues in image retrieval
- Evaluation of image retrieval systems
- Novel image data management systems and applications
- Query models, paradigms and languages for image retrieval
- Content-based indexing, search and retrieval of images
- Feature extraction and representation
- Visual perception and image retrieval
- Image search and browsing on the Web
- Semantic retrieval of images and video
- Neural network techniques for image classification and retrieval
- Database architectures for image retrieval
- Image data management for multimedia systems
Please see the conference website at < http://www.unn.ac.uk/iidr/cir/cir00/cfp.html > for complete information about this call for papers.
ACM SIGCOMM 2000: Applications, Technologies, Architectures and Protocols for Computer Communications, 28 August - 1 September 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 28 January 2000. The SIGCOMM 2000 conference is self-described as a "single-track, highly selective conference at which successful submissions typically report results firmly substantiated by experiment, implementation, simulation, or mathematical analysis." This Call for Papers seeks submissions on, but not limited to, such topics as:
- Distributed application networking infrastructure.
- Distributed common application services, middleware protocols, and signaling.
- Routing, switching, and addressing.
- Resource sharing, quality of service, multimedia networks, and OS support.
- Multimedia networking.
- Networking aspects of the WWW.
- Heterogeneous internetworking, large-scale networks.
- Network management.
- Active network architectures and protocols.
- Important experimental results from operational networks and lessons learned from prototype implementations.
- Wireless networking and support for nomadic computing.
- Analysis and design of computer network architectures and algorithms.
Please see the ACM SIGCOMM website at < http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm2000/cfp.htm > for complete information.
CaTaC 2000: Cultural collisions and creative interferences in the global village, 12 - 15 July 2000, Perth, Australia. Call for papers; the submission deadline for papers is 31 January 2000. The is the second biennial Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology (CaTaC) conference, and its goal is to provide an "international forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research on how diverse cultural attitudes shape the implementation and use of information communication technologies."
Paper topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:
- Communicative attitudes and practices in diverse industrialised countries.
- Communicative attitudes and practices in industrialising countries and marginalised communities.
- Impact of information and communication technologies on local and indigenous languages and cultures.
- Politics of the electronic global village in democratising or preserving hierarchy.
- East/West cultural attitudes and communicative practices.
- Role of gender in cultural expectations regarding appropriate communicative practices.
- Ethical issues related to information and communication technologies, and the impact on culture and communication behaviours.
- Legal implications of new communication technologies.
Complete instructions regarding submission of papers may be found at the CaTaC website at < http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/~sudweeks/catac00/cfp.html >.
Goings On
- 5th Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) Paris 2000, 19 - 22 January 2000, Paris, France. Deadline for registration: 20 December 1999.
The JTS is a scientific and technical event. It is an international gathering for specialists in audio-visual, cinema, and sound. The JTS 2000 conference is being organized by the Centre National de la Cinématographie assisted by the Commission Supérieure Technique de l' Image et du Son and with the collaboration of the Institut National de l' Audiovisuel, and Bibliotheque nationale de France. The theme of the 2000 conference is "Image and Sound Archiving and Access: the challenges of the 3rd Millennium".
Please see the conference website for additional information < http://www.cst.fr/jts2000/en/index.htm >.
- Discussion on Digital Archiving of Electronic Journals, with Rebecca Graham of the Digital Library Federation, 16 January 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), EPEJ Interest Group will host a discussion meeting at the ALA Mid-winter meeting on Sunday, January 16th, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. led by Rebecca Graham. Discussion themes will include:
- Terminology and summary of current leadership thinking
- Planning
Who? Copyright holder or author or subscribing organization
How? Role of license agreements or other third party contracts- Costs
What "business" model applies?
Different models for different organizations?- Local actions
What best practices?For more information about this meeting, please contact Kimberly Douglas at kdouglas@library.caltech.edu.
- 10th VALA Biennial Conference, Books and Bytes: Technologies for the Hybrid Library, 16 - 18 February 2000, Melbourne, Australia.
International speakers will speak on themes of hybrid and digital libraries, and these themes will be further explored in over forty high quality presentations during the conference. Planned sessions listed on the Conference program include:
- Hybrid Libraries
- Technology
- Electronic Publishing
- Document Delivery
- Technology Management
- Flexible Delivery
- Metadata
- Accessibility
- Future Directions
- Multimedia
- Standardisation
- Archiving
The full program may be seen at < http://home.vicnet.net.au/~vala/vala2000/prog2000.htm >.
Please see the VALA conference website at < http://home.vicnet.net.au/~vala/conf2000.htm > for additional information.
- Music Library Association Meeting, 23 - 26 February 2000, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
A quick glance at the preliminary program for the annual MLA meeting in Louisville in February, turned up these items which might be of interest to some D-Lib Magazine readers:
- Plenary Session II: Copyright in the Digital Age: Electronic Reserves, Distance Learning, and Fair Use
Lenore Coral (Cornell University), Moderator
Dwayne K. Buttler, J.D. (Indiana University)
Laura N. Gasaway (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)- Digital Preservation: Planning for the National Audio Visual Conservation Center
Mary Russell Bucknum (Library of Congress)- American Sheet Music Project: Preserving the Paper, Preserving the Digital Record
Lois Schultz (Duke University)- VARIATIONS: Online Musical Scores
Constance Mayer (Indiana University)Please see the MLA meeting website at < http://www.baylor.edu/~MLA/program2000.html > for more information.
- Lake of the Woods Summer Institute for Advanced Studies (LWSIA), Spring Session, 12 - 31 May 2000, Sioux Narrows, Canada. Deadline for registration is 1 March 2000.
The LWSIA Spring session deals with building and using interoperable digital services across a range of domains including libraries and museums. Courses for the Spring session include:
- Thinking in Multimedia: All Is Not as It Is Perceived
- Introduction to the Use of Archival Documents in Publishing Projects
- Power in Pictures: The Implication of Imagery in the Production of Power
- Assessing Limitations - The Web as a Research Environment
- Ownership and Authority in the World of Virtual Organizations
Please see the LWSIA website < http://www.lwsias.org/ > for more information and contact information.
- Digitization for Cultural Heritage Professionals, a Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) course, 5 - 10 March 2000, Houston, Texas, USA.
This course is a one-week intensive program which should be of value to students, academics, and professionals in the cultural and humanities sector. Working with primary source materials, "participants will examine the advantages of developing digital collections of heritage materials and investigate issues involved in creating, curating, and managing access to such collections." The course will be composed of both interactive seminars and practical exercises. (This course is the first US offering that follows the 1998 and 1999 Glasgow Digitization Summer Schools.)
Please see the website at < http://www.rice.edu/Fondren/DCHP00/ > for complete information about the course.
Pointers in this Column
10th VALA Biennial Conference, Books and Bytes: Technologies for the Hybrid Library, 16 - 18 February 2000, Melbourne, Australia.
5th Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) Paris 2000, 19 - 22 January 2000, Paris, France. Deadline for registration: 20 December 1999.
5th Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) Paris 2000, 19 - 22 January 2000, Paris, France. Deadline for registration: 20 December 1999.
ACM SIGCOMM 2000: Applications, Technologies, Architectures and Protocols for Computer Communications, 28 August - 1 September 2000, Stockholm, Sweden. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 28 January 2000.
ALA Annual Conference 2000: Libraries Building Community and Building a Worldwide Library Community, 6 - 13 July 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Call for papers; the submission deadline is 15 January 2000.
Email: intl@ala.org
Archive Builders -- Available Papers
ASIS '99 Proceedings of the 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting: Knowledge: Creation, Organization and Use
C.I.R. 2000: The Challenge of Image Retrieval, 4 - 5 May 2000, Brighton, United Kingdom. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 21 January 2000.
CAIS 2000: 28th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, 28 - 30 May 2000, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Call for papers: the deadline for submission is 3 January 2000.
CaTaC 2000: Cultural collisions and creative interferences in the global village, 12 - 15 July 2000, Perth, Australia. Call for papers; the submission deadline for papers is 31 January 2000.
~sudweeks/catac00/introduction.htmlCLIR issues
CRIDALA 2000 (Centre for Research on Distance & Adult Learning), 21 - 24 June 2000, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000.
Digitization for Cultural Heritage Professionals, a Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) course, 5 - 10 March 2000, Houston, Texas, USA.
DIMACS Workshop: On the Management of Digital IP, 17 - 18 April 2000, Rutgers, New Jersey, USA. Call for participation; deadline for submitted papers is 17 January 2000.
Discussion on Digital Archiving of Electronic Journals, with Rebecca Graham of the Digital Library Federation, 16 January 2000, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Kimberly Douglas, kdouglas@library.caltech
First Monday
Fourth World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Professions, 15 - 17 August 2001, Chester, Vermont, USA. Call for papers; abstract submission is due 15 January 2000.
Dr. Viki Ash-Geisler, f_ash@two.edu
HICSS-33: Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, 4 - 7 January 2000, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries: ADL'2000, 22 - 24 May 2000, Washington, D.C., USA. Call for participation. Paper, panel and workshop proposals deadline is 20 December 1999.
iMP Magazine
Internet Archive Colloquium 2000, 8 - 9 March 2000, San Francisco, California, USA. Call for participation: the deadline for papers has been extended to 21 December 1999.
Journal of Electronic Publishing
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
Journals Launch Private Reference Network
Lake of the Woods Summer Institute for Advanced Studies (LWSIA), Spring Session, 12 - 31 May 2000, Sioux Narrows, Canada. Deadline for registration is 1 March 2000.
LITA National Forum 2000: High Tech/High Touch: The Human Aspects of Technology, 3 - 5 November 2000, Portland, Oregon, USA. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 7 January 2000.
Jacqueline Mundell, jmundell@ala.org
Museums and the Web 2000, 17 - 19 April 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. The deadline for early registration and for scholarship application is 31 December 1999.
Music Library Association Meeting, 23 - 26 February 2000, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Open Forum on Metadata Registries, 17 - 21 January 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
events/openforum/index.htmPreservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual
RLG DigiNews
Selected Papers from the Australian Film Institute's infog99 Conference
http://www.latrobe.edu.au/www/screeningthepast/SIGIR 2000, 24 - 28 July 2000, Athens, Greece. Call for papers; the deadline for submission is 14 January 2000.
Version 28, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography
Copyright (c) 1999 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/december99-clips