M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Volume 17, Number 3/4
ISSN: 1082-9873
The Current Issue
by Laurence Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Discovering the Information Needs of Humanists When Planning an Institutional Repository
Article by David Seaman, Dartmouth College Library
Abstract: Through in-person interviews with humanities faculty members, this study examines what information needs are expressed by humanities scholars that an institutional repository (IR) can address. It also asks what concerns humanists have about IRs, and whether there is a repository model other than an institutional one that better suits how they work. Humanists make relatively low use of existing IRs, but this research indicates that an institutional repository can offer services to humanities faculty that are desired by them, especially the digitization, online storage, curation, and sharing of their research materials and publications. If presented in terms that make sense to humanities faculty, and designed consciously with their needs and concerns in mind, an IR can be of real benefit to their teaching, scholarship, collaborations, and publishing.
Resource Sharing in Australia: Find and Get in Trove Making "Getting" Better
Article by Rose Holley, National Library of Australia
Abstract: Trove is the Australian discovery service focusing on Australia and Australians, launched at the end of 2009. It has been created and is managed by the National Library of Australia. Trove harvests metadata from over 1,000 Australian libraries and other cultural heritage institutions and organisations, giving the public free access to over 100 million items. A guiding principle of Trove is 'Find and Get'. The first principle to 'find' has been achieved well. A user can find a wealth of information and format types in a single search, aggregated from many sources. The relevance ranking and zoning of results makes finding quick and easy. Therefore, the focus of the Trove team for the latter half of 2010 and into 2011 has been to improve the 'get' options. This article gives an overview of how 'getting' has been improved so far, current work underway, and ideas for the future. 'Get' includes buy, borrow (national loans), copy, digital view, print on demand and digitise on demand.
The Conference on World Affairs Archive Online: Digitization and Metadata for a Digital Audio Pilot
Article by Michael Dulock and Holley Long, University of Colorado at Boulder
Abstract: The University of Colorado Archives holds a substantial collection of audio recordings from the Conference on World Affairs (CWA), held annually at the University since 1948. Recordings of Conference sessions from the 1950s to the present comprise approximately 8000 hours of material on reel-to-reel, cassette, and audio-only VHS tapes. In 2009 the Archives, along with other units of the CU Libraries and the offices of the CWA, began the pilot phase of a project to digitize these materials to make them accessible to the public. Between December 2009 and March 2010, the pilot produced 80 digitized recordings, with 15 receiving full metadata provision and presentation in the CU Digital Library in time for the 2010 Conference on 05 April. This paper describes the history and significance of the Conference and the collection; the project team; the planning and funding of the pilot; physical characteristics of the collection; the digitization rationale, specifications and process; metadata design and creation; and delivery of the content to the public.
Teaching Use of Digital Primary Sources for K-12 Settings
Article by Anne R. Diekema, Heather Leary, Sheri Haderlie, and Cheryl D. Walters, Utah State University
Abstract: This paper describes learning outcomes of a three-day workshop on integrating primary sources into K-12 teaching. The short curriculum intended for teams of teachers and school librarians combined visits to a museum and a library's special collections with an introduction to significant national and local digital collections of primary sources. The paper draws on focus group data, reflection papers, and a conference presentation by the workshop participants as well as curricular artifacts presented to the workshop instructors. Using their workshop experience, teachers integrated digitized primary sources into their curricula thereby creating quality instructional content that engaged students' interest. School librarians and teachers worked together during the workshop, establishing a model for future collaboration. They were exposed to readily accessible digital sources they can draw upon for scholastic projects and lifelong learning. Primary source sets created by workshop participants were added to local and national educational websites for others to use.
Towards Transparent and Scalable OpenURL Quality Metrics
Article by Adam Chandler, Glen Wiley and Jim LeBlanc, Cornell University Library
Abstract: The development of link resolvers and the OpenURL framework over a decade ago paved the way for open-ended, context-sensitive linkage from databases, indexes, and abstracting services to the appropriate resources and services to meet library users' needs. Library patrons can now retrieve more comprehensively linked scholarly information than ever before. However, even with today's link resolver technology and the OpenURLs on which the link resolvers depend, following a reference link all the way to full-text can still frustrate library users all too often. In this article, the authors present research on why OpenURLs fail so frequently. They also describe a model for measuring the quality of OpenURL metadata, using a log processor and reporting software. The results of this study demonstrate the potential applicability of such a system as a scalable, stand-alone service for all libraries, OpenURL and full-text content providers, and link resolver vendors to evaluate and improve the completeness and consistency of their links.
Open Access, Open Data: Paradigm Shifts in the Changing Scholarly Communication Scenario
Conference Report by Elena Giglia, University of Turin
Abstract: The Open Access Open Data conference was held December 13 -14, 2010 in Cologne, Germany. The purpose of the conference was to examine the development of the Open Access movement during the last five years, how it is expected to change within the next five to ten years, and to further investigate the "Open Data Movement" that is rapidly growing in international importance. This report discusses some of the key ideas that emerged from the workshop discussion and debate.
Next Steps in Research, Education and Practice in Digital Curation and Publishing: A Workshop Report from the Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on E-Publishing and E-Publication
Conference Report by Carolyn Hank, McGill University; Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services; and Anthony Watkinson, University College London
Abstract: Exploring opportunities for collaboration among publishers, researchers, librarians and other information professionals was the theme of the "Next Steps in Research, Education and Practice in Digital Curation and Publishing" workshop held in London on June 26, 2010. The workshop was co-sponsored and organized by the University College London (UCL) Department of Information Studies and the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
N E W S & E V E N T S
In Brief: Short Items of Current Awareness
In the News: Recent Press Releases and Announcements
Clips & Pointers: Documents, Deadlines, Calls for Participation
Meetings, Conferences, Workshops: Calendar of Activities Associated with Digital Libraries Research and Technologies
[Image courtesy of Smithsonian Institution Libraries. Used with permission.]
Galaxy of Images, Smithsonian Institution Libraries
Situated at the center of the world's largest museum complex, the Smithsonian Libraries unites 20 branches and 1.5 million printed books, journals and manuscripts in one system. The Galaxy of Images is comprised of interesting and unusual plates and pages digitized from the collections. On display are more than 11,000 images that represent a small, but growing, portion of SIL's holdings.
Among the images are enchanting butterflies, birds and flowers from books in the Joseph F. Cullman Library of Natural History, retro cool trade literature from National Museum of American History branch, and World's Fair material from the Dibner Library of the History of Science and Technology. Some of the most popular images include those of early museums and our unique collection of portraits of scientists.
The database may be searched by author and title, keyword and even taxonomic name (for our Natural History collections). Images are also organized by collections and may be browsed under such categories as "Fashion and Clothing" or "Book Arts and Design". The images are freely available for use by teachers, students and researchers and high resolution copies of the images are available for a fee for publishers and authors. The Galaxy of Images has recently launched a new tagging feature and we encourage our users to add their own tags to our images. Content is continually added and plans are in development for improved search and other features, so please check back often.
For information contact Erin Clements Rushing at rushing@si.edu.
D - L I B E D I T O R I A L S T A F F
Laurence Lannom, Editor-in-Chief
Catherine Rey, Managing Editor
Bonita Wilson, Contributing Editor
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