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D-Lib Magazine
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Pattern Language Network (Planet) Project Explores the Use of Patterns and Pattern Languages in Teaching
Contributed by: Teachers in higher education are exploring the use of new web technologies, known as Web 2.0, in their assessment, learning and teaching practice. These technologies are characterised by community participation and user-created content and include blogs, wikis, podcasting, social networks and spaces. As these are used in an educational context, it is important that experiences of what is successful (and less successful) can be shared effectively between practitioners so that good practice can be transferred from one place to another. Transfer of practice of this sort is difficult, however, as each context is different and what works in one place may not work in the same way elsewhere. We therefore need a way to represent our teaching practices to make it clear what it was about the practice that was critical to its success as well as to make explicit not just what was done but why. The Pattern Language Network (Planet) project is exploring using patterns and pattern languages to do this. A pattern language consists of a number of patterns each of which describes a successful example of practice, presented in terms of problem-solution pairs, and grounded in a specific context. The patterns all have the same form but are written in natural language making them easy to understand. The "language" structure guides practitioners in selecting the appropriate pattern to use to address the particular challenges practitioners have as they work on designing elements of learning. Planet is developing a system to support a community of HE (Higher Education) practitioners who are using Web 2.0 in assessment, learning and teaching, to capture and share their examples of good practice as patterns. This system includes a collaborative wiki-based platform, clear processes for capturing and using patterns, and a growing pattern language that provides reusable knowledge about how to use Web 2.0 technology in learning, drawn from examples of successful practice. The pattern language, software and methodologies are being developed iteratively through engagement with practitioners who are using Web 2.0 technologies in learning. Planet runs until March 2009 and is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) in the UK. It is a collaborative project led by Leeds Metropolitan University partnered with London Knowledge Lab, Coventry University, Kings College London and Glasgow Caledonian University. For more information on the project, please see <http://www.patternlanguagenetwork.org>. The Planet wiki can be found at <http://patternlanguagenetwork.myxwiki.org>. Increased Content, New Features Offered by Science.gov
Contributed by: The search engine for U.S. federal science information recently heralded the release of its 5th version, adding valuable content that quadrupled the science information available and offering new search functionality. From the redesigned front page to the deep web search results, the search experience has been enriched for anyone seeking reliable science information free of "web noise." By bringing together the science offerings of 13 federal science agencies, the web site represents approximately 97 percent of the federal research and development (R&D) budget. Approximately 200 million pages of science information, both from hard-to-find databases and from hundreds of websites, are searchable via a single query. Seven databases were added in version 5.0, including Department of Energy patents; documents and bibliographic citations of DOE accomplishments; the E-print Network, with millions of scientific e-prints from around the world; Hazardous Substances Data Bank, with peer-reviewed toxicology data for thousands of chemicals; Cancer.gov, with cancer-related information of all kinds for all audiences; PubMed Central, a digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature; and TOXLINE, information on toxicological effects of drugs and other chemicals. A key feature of Science.gov 5.0 is "clustering" of search results by topics or dates to more easily finetune searches and drill down into subtopics. Librarians and researchers will appreciate the added capability of downloading search results into their own files or citation software, and the Wikipedia links and EurekAlert Science News features are a bonus for anyone seeking auxiliary science information. In addition, a new Alerts interface allows you to set up an ATOM or RSS feed. Championed by the unique Science.gov Alliance, a voluntary interagency partnership, Science.gov is the USA.gov gateway to reliable science and technology information from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, and the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Science Foundation, the Government Printing Office, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives and Records Administration. The Science.gov site is hosted and managed by the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) and supported by CENDI, an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information managers from 13 U.S. federal agencies. Initially launched December 5, 2002, connecting citizens to government science as never before, Science.gov is now also the U.S. contribution to WorldWideScience.org, a global science portal modeled after Science.gov. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Funds TIPR Demonstration Project
Contributed by: The Cornell University Library, New York University Libraries and the Florida Center for Library Automation are happy to announce the receipt of an IMLS National Leadership Grant for the demonstration project: Towards Interoperable Preservation Repositories (TIPR). The task of preserving our digital heritage for future generations far exceeds the capacity of any government or institution. Responsibility must be distributed across a number of stewardship organizations running heterogeneous and geographically dispersed digital preservation repositories. For reasons of redundancy, succession planning and software migration, these repositories must be able to exchange copies of archived information packages with each other. Practical repository-to-repository transfer will require a common, standards-based transfer format capable of transporting rich preservation metadata as well as digital objects, and repository systems must be capable of exporting and importing information packages utilizing this format. The three TIPR partners run three technically heterogeneous, geographically distributed digital preservation repositories. Cornell University Library runs CUL-OAIS based on aDORe, New York University Libraries' Preservation Repository is based on DSpace, and the FCLA's Florida Digital Archive uses DAITSS. The TIPR partners will:
The goals of the project are to:
This two-year project will begin October 1, 2008. Variations as a Testbed for the FRBR Conceptual Model
Contributed by: Indiana University is proud to embark on a new project entitled "Variations as a Testbed for the FRBR Conceptual Model," funded through an Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant. This project will build on Indiana University's expertise in digital music libraries and the well-known Variations <http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/projects/variations3/> digital music library system, and provide a concrete testbed for the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model <http://www.ifla.org/VII/s13/frbr/>. As part of this work, we will test FRBR in a real-world environment, and provide data, code, and system design specifications that can be re-used by others interested in FRBR and in the design of library discovery systems. Specifically, the Variations/FRBR project will:
The three-year Variations/FRBR project will run from October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2011. More information can be found at <http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/projects/vfrbr/>. The AGAST Project Investigates Semantic Technologies
Contributed by: The AGAST project is investigating the extent to which semantic technologies can provide flexible and viable mechanisms for easily delegated access control. While there are a number of mature technologies to support authentication, the separate problem of authorisation what is a user allowed to do? remains less well-served. Existing technologies, such as PERMIS or XACML, suffer from usability and integration problems, and cannot readily make use of distributed or delegated information. The project's premise is that semantic technologies can support lightweight expression of access policies, extending the way in which access decisions can ultimately be made. In many scenarios, the information needed to make a local access decision comes from a variety of sources. Examples include resource sharing, quota management of distributed resources, or identifying security policy conflicts in the case where an individual holds roles in two different Virtual Organisations. The alternative approach being investigated by the AGAST project is to define an ontology of users and roles, possibly customised to the resource being protected, and then to ask whether, in the context of the collected information available to the access-control reasoner, a user is provably a member of the class of those permitted access. There is a minimum of new code involved; this approach uses existing technologies in a novel way. Separately from the naturalness of the reasoning involved, semantic technologies such as RDF provide a very convenient integration framework, making it feasible to pool information about a user from such disparate sources as X.509 certificates, LDAP servers and XACML assertions. The AGAST project is elaborating a broad range of use-cases, in astronomy, neurological sciences, bioinformatics, clinical sciences, and engineering. With a clear idea of the range of required behaviours, the project will then prototype the software and development practices that will realise these policies in custom ontologies. The project is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), <http://www.jisc.ac.uk>, until April 2009, and is a collaboration between the University of Leicester and the UK National e-Science Centre. The project website is at <http://www.nesc.ac.uk/hub/projects/agast/>. In the NewsExcerpts from Recent Press Releases and AnnouncementsNISO Announces Community Version of Framework for Good Digital CollectionsNovember 11, 2008 - "NISO announces release of the online community version of the Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections, which establishes principles for creating, managing, and preserving digital collections, digital objects, metadata, and projects. The Framework will be useful to libraries and other cultural heritage organizations planning projects to create digital collections, and funding organizations that want to encourage development of good digital collections. The community version of the Framework was developed to allow for ongoing contributions, comments, and updates from librarians, archivists, curators, and other information professionals. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) supported development of the Framework, which is available on the NISO website at <http://framework.niso.org/>. " "IMLS, which developed the first version of the Framework in 2000, transferred maintenance of the guidelines to NISO in September 2003. A NISO advisory group issued the second edition in 2004 and the NISO Framework Working Group was formed in 2006 to create the third edition and to oversee the community version. The current (3rd) edition was issued in print (PDF) early in 2008 and is now available in the updatable community version. This edition not only includes new resources and examples, but the revision was undertaken with the particular awareness of the increased inclusion of digital-born objects in collections and the vital role that digital collection development plays in libraries and cultural heritage organizations. " "...The Working Group for the Framework included Priscilla Caplan, Florida Center for Library Automation (chair); Grace Agnew, Rutgers University; Murtha Baca, Getty Research Institute; Tony Gill, Center for Jewish History; Carl Fleischhauer, Library of Congress; Ingrid Hsieh-Yee, Catholic University of America; Jill Koelling, Northern Arizona University; and Christie Stephenson, American Museum." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.niso.org/news/pr/view?item_key=11065f21d1fc4b412b06dc8cacb89ac6d08f721b>. NISO Announces SUSHI Schemas Supporting Release 3 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Journals and Databases FinalizedNovember 4, 2008 - "The NISO SUSHI Standing Advisory Committee has announced the approval and final release of the schemas (and related files) providing full support of Release 3 of the COUNTER Code of Practice for Journals and Databases. Notable in this latest release of the COUNTER Code of Practice is the requirement that content providers implement SUSHI as a means of delivering their reports. With the schemas now finalized, content providers can be confident about setting their development agendas for implementing SUSHI." "The SUSHI (Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative) standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.93 - 2007) defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data, utilizing a Web services framework. Designed as a generalized protocol extensible to a variety of usage reports, it also contains an extension designed specifically to work with COUNTER usage reports. COUNTER reports have become a mainstay of collection analysis for many libraries; SUSHI serves to automate the time consuming and error prone process of manually running, retrieving and loading these reports." "NISO's SUSHI Standard Advisory Committee, formed last summer to maintain the standard, has used community feedback to identify additional needs for implementation and to examine the standard for areas that may need updating or improving. In addition to addressing the needs of the schemas, the Committee's charge also includes the goal of making SUSHI easier for implementers to understand and work with. As part of that effort, the schemas have been annotated with descriptions and examples for key elements, and the website (http://www.niso.org/workrooms/sushi) now includes clear graphical representations of the schemas. In addition, the FAQs on the site are being updated and include sections specifically for librarians and for developers. Further documentation on the site includes material covered in NISO's SUSHI webinar on October 2, a list of clients (ERM and Usage Consolidation services) supporting SUSHI, and a list of SUSHI compliant content providers, and other supporting information." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.niso.org/news/pr/view?item_key=f24df5eb124d49cda4528148a73444c8e3e70e4a>. Bibliothèque nationale de France to add records to WorldCatOctober 22, 2008 - "OCLC and Bibliothèque nationale de France have signed a letter of intent to work cooperatively to add records from the French national library to OCLC's WorldCat, the world's largest online resource for finding information in libraries." "Bibliothèque nationale de France and OCLC signed the document during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress: 74th IFLA General Conference and Council in Québec, Canada. Once an agreement is finalized, OCLC anticipates processing an estimated 13.2 million bibliographic records from Bibliothèque nationale de France. Once records are added to WorldCat, they will be more visible and accessible to Web users worldwide." "In 1998, about one-third of the WorldCat database represented non-English-language work. This year, for the first time ever, WorldCat contained slightly more records representing non-English language materials than for English." For more information, please see <http://www.oclc.org/news/releases/200840.htm>. Cornell launches data-driven science unitOctober 22, 2008 - "Cornell University announced today the establishment of the DISCOVER Research Service Group (DRSG) to facilitate data-driven science at Cornell by developing cross-disciplinary data archival and discovery tools. DISCOVER will conduct pilot projects in selected strategic areas such as the development of data discovery portals using access-layer protocols now under development at Fedora Commons and the Virtual Observatory." "Cornell's Department of Astronomy and the University Library, in partnership with the Cornell Center for Advanced Computing, will work closely with DISCOVER, which is comprised of research groups from multiple disciplines and core data management and curation staff." "The overarching goal of the DISCOVER Research Service Group is to provide accessible paths for the curation, preservation, and mining of scientific data. Systems are needed to make data sets accessible physically over both space (over a wide network) and time (for the indefinite future) and also transparently, using modern Web-based tools that are expected to evolve. " For more information, please contact Paul L. Redfern, Assistant Director, Strategic Partnerships, Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing <red@cac.cornell.edu>. CLIR to Receive 2008 Award for Outstanding Support of ArchivesOctober 20, 2008 - "CLIR has been selected winner of the Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) 2008 Award for Outstanding Support of Archives." "The award recognizes an individual or organization for notable contributions to archival records or archival programs through political, financial, or moral support. Past recipients of this award include The EAI-Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art (2007), and Metropolitan New York Library Council (2006)." "...ART was founded in 1979 as a not-for-profit organization representing a diverse group of more than 325 archivists, librarians, and records managers in the New York metropolitan area. It is one of the largest local organizations of its kind in the United States, with members representing more than 175 repositories. More information is available at <http://www.nycarchivists.org>." For more information, please see <http://www.clir.org/news/pressrelease/08ARTpr.html>. Open Archives Initiative Announces Production Release of Object Reuse and Exchange SpecificationsOctober 17, 2008 - "Over the past two years the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), in a project called Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE), has gathered international experts from the publishing, web, library, repository, and eScience communities to develop standards for the identification and description of aggregations of Web resources. These standards provide the foundation for applications and services that can visualize, preserve, transfer, summarize, and improve access to the aggregations that people use in their daily Web interaction: including multiple page Web documents, multiple format documents in institutional repositories, scholarly data sets, and online photo and music collections. The OAI-ORE standards leverage the core Web architecture and concepts emerging from related efforts including the semantic web, linked data, and Atom syndication. As a result, they integrate both with the emerging machine-readable web, Web 2.0, and the future evolution of networked information." "The production versions of the OAI-ORE specifications and implementation documents are now available to the public, with a table of contents page at <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/toc>. This public release is the culmination of several months of testing and review of initial alpha and beta releases. The participation and feedback from the wider OAI-ORE community, especially the OAI-ORE technical committee, was instrumental to the process leading up to this production release." "The documents in the release describe a data model to introduce aggregations as resources with URIs on the web. They also detail the machine-readable descriptions of aggregations expressed in the popular Atom syndication format, in RDF/XML, and RDFa." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.openarchives.org/ore/documents/ore-production-press-release.pdf>. Announcing the launch of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, OASPAOctober 14, 2008 - "The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, OASPA, announces its official launch today in conjunction with an OA Day celebration hosted by the Wellcome Trust in London. The mission of OASPA is to support and represent the interests of Open Access (OA) journals publishers globally in all scientific, technical, and scholarly disciplines through an exchange of information, setting of industry standards, advancing business and publishing models, advocating for gold OA journals publishing, education and the promotion of innovation." "From having first emerged as a new publishing model over a decade ago, OA publishing has become an embedded feature of the scholarly publishing landscape: The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists over 3500 peer-reviewed journals; a growing number of professional organizations offer OA publications; university libraries increasingly support OA publishing services; funding organizations support and encourage OA publishing; and a long tail of independent editorial teams and societies now publish their titles OA. Professional OA publishers such as BioMed Central and the Public Library of Science (PLoS) have been in business for over five years, while some scientist/scholar publishers (editorial teams operating independently of a professional publisher) have published their OA journals for a decade or more. Moreover, a number of traditional publishing houses are now engaging in Open Access activities, the recent acquisition of BioMed Central by Springer and the SAGE-Hindawi partnership being two cases in point. By bringing together those who share an interest in developing appropriate business models, tools and standards to support OA journals publishing, it is hoped that success in these areas can be achieved more quickly to the benefit of not only OASPA members, but more importantly, for the scholarly community that OA publishers serve." "Membership in OASPA is open to both scholar publishers and professional publishing organizations, including university presses and for profit and non-profit organizations. Members are expected to demonstrate a genuine interest in OA journals publishing by having signed either the Berlin or Budapest Declarations and must publish at least one full OA journal." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.oaspa.org/press.release.html>. China Joins WorldWideScience AllianceOctober 14, 2008 - "The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) today announced that the People's Republic of China has joined the WorldWideScience Alliance the multilateral governance structure for the global science gateway, WorldWideScience.org. WorldWideScience.org is intended to accelerate international scientific progress by serving as a single, sophisticated point of access for diverse scientific resources and expertise from nations around the world. The addition of China is a notable milestone, as it is a major global contributor to scientific knowledge." "...On June 12, 2008, the Alliance was formally established as representatives of 38 countries signed the Alliance's founding document. The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), a component of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, will represent China in the Alliance." "WorldWideScience.org enables anyone with Internet access to launch a single-query search of 375 million pages of scientific and technical information in databases and portals from over 50 countries, covering six continents and three quarters of the world's population. China, a major producer of journals and conference proceedings, is offering searches of key Chinese English-language scientific literature through WorldWideScience.org. The Chinese resource enables searching of over 6,000 journals. ISTIC will consider the addition of more Chinese sources to WorldWideScience.org after a successful test period." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.osti.gov/news/2009/october/wws_china>. Major Library Partners Launch HathiTrust Shared Digital RepositoryThere's an Elephant in the Library; Organizers Promise It Will Never Forget October 13, 2008 - "A group of the nation's largest research libraries are collaborating to create a repository of their vast digital collections, including millions of books, organizers announced today. These holdings will be archived and preserved in a single repository called the HathiTrust. Materials in the public domain will be available for reading online." "Launched jointly by the 12-university consortium known as the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) and the 11 university libraries of the University of California system, the HathiTrust leverages the time-honored commitment to preservation and access to information that university libraries have valued for centuries. UC's participation will be coordinated by the California Digital Library (CDL), which brings its deep and innovative experience in digital curation and online scholarship to the HathiTrust." "...As of today, HathiTrust contains more than 2 million volumes and approximately ¾ of a billion pages, about 16 percent of which are in the public domain. Public domain materials will be available for reading online. Materials protected by copyright, although not available for reading online, are given the full range of digital archiving services, thereby offering member libraries a reliable means to preserve their collections. Organizers also expect to use those materials in the research and development of the Trust." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.hathitrust.org/press_10-13-2008>. Latest ALPSP Scholarly Publishing Practice Survey on online journal publishing is now availableOctober 13, 2008 - "The third in a series of ALPSP surveys undertaken to establish current scholarly publishing practices and designed to track changes in policy and practice since 2000, has been published by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishing. The survey, carried out by Laura Cox of Frontline Global Marketing Services and John Cox of John Cox Associates, was conducted of 400 journal publishers, both commercial and not-for-profit, consisting of ALPSP and other major association members. A response rate of over 65% was achieved including the majority of major journal publishers." "The full report provides a vast array of evidence about the current policies and practices of scholarly journal publishers, but it also shows how these practices have changed over time with comparisons with the survey results from 2003 and 2005. It will be invaluable to those who wish to dispel some of the misunderstandings that have been voiced about journal publishing and to show how publishers' policies have changed in response to advocacy groups and funding mandates." The report is free to ALPSP members or for purchase to non-members. Key findings can be found in the ALSPSP press release at: <http://www.alpsp.org/ForceDownload.asp?id=891>. First Lady Laura Bush Recognizes Top Ten Museums and Libraries at White House CeremonyFlorida, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Wyoming Institutions HonoredOctober 7, 2008 - "First Lady Laura Bush presented the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service to five museums and five libraries at a White House ceremony on October 7, 2008. The National Medal is the highest honor the nation confers on these institutions for their outstanding contribution to America's communities. The awards are made annually by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to museums and libraries that have demonstrated a long-term commitment to public service through innovative programs and community partnerships." "Winners of the 2008 National Medal for Museum and Library Service are:
"The award includes a prize of $10,000 to each recipient. This is the second year that IMLS has presented the National Medals to 10 institutions. In previous years, the National Medal was known as the National Award for Museum and Library Service and was awarded to three museums and three libraries." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.imls.gov/news/2008/100708.shtm>. Software for academic research has launchedOctober 7, 2008 announcment from Veronika Jakobi, scholarznet, University of Würzburg - "'scholarz.net', a platform (research network) developed at the University of Würzburg, is opening for everyone who is interested. Since October 7, academic researchers can use the intelligent software at <http://www.scholarz.net> for free over the internet." "'scholarz.net', the smart software for academic research, offers the ultimate 'web 2.0-toolkit' for the researcher's everyday work: a state-of-the-art knowledge management, integrated reference management, a social knowledge function a la Wikipedia and a researcher's network" For more information, please contact: Online Scientific Repository Hits MilestoneWith 500,000 Articles, arXiv Established as Vital Library Resource October 3, 2008 - "Reinforcing its place in the scientific community, the arXiv repository at Cornell University Library reached a new milestone in October 2008. Half a million e-print postings research articles published online now reside in arXiv, which is free and available to the public." "arXiv is the primary daily information source for hundreds of thousands of researchers in many areas of physics and related fields. Its users include the world's most prominent researchers in science, including 53 Physics Nobel Laureates, 31 Fields Medalists and 55 MacArthur Fellows, as well as people in countries with limited access to scientific materials. The famously reclusive Russian mathematician Grigori Perelman posted the proof for the 100-year-old Poincaré Conjecture solely in arXiv." "arXiv encompasses publications in physics, mathematics, statistics, computer science and quantitative biology. Researchers upload their own articles to arXiv, and they are usually made available to the public the next day. A team of 113 volunteer moderators from around the world screen submissions and recommend whether they should be included in the repository." "More than 200,000 articles are downloaded from arXiv each week by about 400,000 users, and its 118,000 registered submitters live in nearly 200 countries, including Suriname, Sudan and Iraq. Fifteen countries host mirrors of the main site, which is located on Cornell's campus in Ithaca, N.Y." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://communications.library.cornell.edu/com/news/PressReleases/arXiv-milestone.cfm>. IMLS Releases FY 07 State Library Agency DataOctober 2, 2008 - "The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is pleased to announce the early release of data on state library agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia for state fiscal year (FY) 2007. The data were collected through the State Library Agencies (StLA) Survey, a voluntary survey conducted annually by IMLS. The FY 2007 StLA Survey is the 14th in the series." "...The FY 2007 survey collected data on 278 items, including state library agency identification, governance, public service hours, service outlets, collections, library service transactions, library development transactions, services to other libraries in the state, allied operations, staff, revenue, expenditures, and electronic services and information." "...The early data release will be followed later this fall with the State Library Agency Report for FY2007, which includes findings, background information, and tables providing an overview of state library agencies." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.imls.gov/news/2008/100208.shtm>. Taylor & Francis Adopts NISO's Shared E-Resource Understanding (SERU)October 1, 2008 - "The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) welcomes Taylor & Francis, a leading international academic publisher, as the most recent adopter of its best practices for SERU: A Shared Electronic Resource Understanding. The SERU Recommended Practice document (NISO-RP-7-2008) is freely available from: <http://www.niso.org/>." "SERU offers publishers and librarians the opportunity to save both the time and the costs associated with a negotiated and signed license agreement by agreeing to operate within a framework of shared understanding and good faith." "NISO is in the process of producing additional materials to help publishers and libraries adopt a SERU approach, maintain a registry of participants, and continue to promote, educate, and plan for regular review and evaluation of SERU." For more information, please see the NISO web site at <http://www.niso.org/>. The Center for American Music Receives National Leadership GrantSeptember 30, 2008 - "The Center for American Music of the University Library System (ULS) has been awarded at grant in the amount of $39,826 for a 2008 National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The grant funds a planning conference scheduled for May 2009 at the University of Pittsburgh to develop strategies for creating an electronic directory for Resources of American Music History. The project is a partnership between the Center for American Music and the Society for American Music, a constituent member of the American Council of Learned Societies (http://www.american-music.org). " "One of only nine planning grants made nationally by the IMLS (sixteen planning grant proposals were submitted, with a total of one hundred and four total proposals being submitted), Pitt's project was identified by the granters as 'one that will have an impact on library and information services and serve as models to libraries across the nation.'" "Dr. Rush Miller, Hillman University Librarian and Director of the ULS noted that 'With this grant, we will be able to design a tool that will allow all of our citizens to quickly identify and access the archival papers, music scores, sound recordings, photographs, books and other resources from America's musical history. These materials are otherwise difficult to find and use because they are scattered throughout collections all over the world. We are pleased that Pitt is recognized for its innovative work.'" For more information, please contact Deane Root, Director, Center for American Music, at 412-624-7775 or <dlr@pitt.edu>. Building the European Film GatewaySeptember 22, 2008 - "Work on a joint European online film portal, the European Film Gateway, began on September 22 with an inaugural meeting in Frankfurt am Main." "The Deutsches Filminstitut is responsible for the co-ordination of The European Film Gateway (EFG), and the project is funded by the European Commission's eContentplus programme." "By the end of the three-year project in 2011, more than 700,000 photographs, posters, texts, audio documents, and of course entire films and film clips, covering more than 100 years of film history, will be ready for access by professionals, students and film buffs. The platform is set to go online in 2010." "...the European Film Gateway will serve as a supplier to Europeana, the platform for the cultural heritage of Europe. Europeana will connect information and digital materials from the film archives with other material from the cultural and scientific heritage. It will enable users quick and easy access to several million digital files from European libraries, museums, archives and audio-visual collections." For more information, please see <http://www.europeanfilmgateway.eu/index.php>. 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